World Book Day

Next week, Thursday 4th March is World Book Day.

Check your class’s remote learning timetable for that day to see some of the exciting things that you could do. Don’t forget to send in photos of anything as we’d love to see them. We also have a great selection of ideas below from Mrs Beardwood which you might want to do about your favourite book. You could also pick a book from Books For Topics to read or listen to and complete an activity about.






You could also follow the link to the World Book Day website where there is a schedule of fantastic live events which will be streamed from Wed-Fri of that week via the World Book Day YouTube channel.

Using Teams Safely- Chat Function

Please remember that you should not be using the Chat function on Teams to message your friends. This function should only be used to message school staff 

Here is a reminder of the information we have shared before explaining how to use TEAMs sensibly and safely. Please read them and follow them carefully.

-Only use teams chat to send a message to school staff.

-Check for comments sent to you by your teacher.

-Give yourself time to have regular screen breaks. This includes getting some fresh air.

-Let adults in your household know when you will need access to the computer.

-Behave online as you would in a classroom.

-Always remember to interact respectfully and sensibly.

-Don’t open any messages or invitations from anyone who is not a member of school staff.

-Don’t use Teams Chat to send messages to your friends– it should only be used as an online learning tool and not a social media site.

Remember, Miss Morgan and I are always here to help if you have any questions.

Reading at Home

Good morning. Just a reminder that there are still various ways in which the children can continue to be reading whilst learning from home.

By logging in to Oxford Owl, the children can select their age range and then choose from a wide selection of online books to read.

Books for Topics, provides book lists for reading for pleasure or for reading non-fiction and fiction books linked to school topics. It also provides links to Storytime Online, where children can select their age range and use QR codes to take them to stories being read on YouTube by famous authors.

Selecting the right ZPD books for your child to read if they wish to continue their AR quizzing is also easier than ever. Visit to search for suitable books and to check their ZPD. To quiz, the children simply need to log in to Accelerated Reader.


Year 6 Online Learning Timetable

This is the weekly timetable for those children who are learning from home next week (22nd – 26th February).

Week 7 Online Learning Timetable

To open the links, right click on the hyperlink. If you are having trouble with this working, you can copy and paste the link into your web browser. For Oak Academy resources, it is written in bold which lesson number to complete and the name of the lesson. (These are all lessons in Key Stage 2 within the relevant subjects).

Digital Library Books

Telford and Wrekin libraries offer members access to a huge range of online children’s books which you can ‘borrow’ by clicking on the link below.

This is a great way to get access to books that are part of AR. Just use AR book finder  to check their ZPD.

Non-members can join online and then have the same access.


Character Education – Live Session Reminder

This afternoon, we will be introducing the Character Education task through a live session at 1:45pm.
We sent out a year group invite at the beginning of the week and hopefully you should be able to see the meeting scheduled on your calendar.
Please send us a message on Teams chat (or an email) if you are having any difficulty finding the meeting beforehand.
Hope to see you there!

Year 6 Online Learning Timetable

This is the weekly timetable for those children who are learning from home next week (8th – 12th February).

Week 6 Online Learning Timetable

To open the links, right click on the hyperlink. If you are having trouble with this working, you can copy and paste the link into your web browser. For Oak Academy resources, it is written in bold which lesson number to complete and the name of the lesson. (These are all lessons in Key Stage 2 within the relevant subjects).

Wellbeing Wednesday!

Happy Wellbeing Wednesday! 🌞
Just a reminder that every Wednesday we will be having a Wellbeing day where we will not be setting any remote learning lessons for the whole afternoon.
Instead, we would like you to spend the afternoon looking after your wellbeing and doing something you enjoy! This could be anything like cooking, playing a game inside or outside, going for a walk, doing some drawing – anything which gives you a break from Online Learning and makes you feel positive!
Enjoy! 🌞

Year 6 Online Learning Timetable

This is the weekly timetable for those children who are learning from home this week (1st – 5th February).

Week 5 Online Learning Timetable – PDF version

Week 5 Online Learning Timetable – Word version

To open the links, right click on the hyperlink. If you are having trouble with this working, you can copy and paste the link into your web browser. For Oak Academy resources, it is written in bold which lesson number to complete and the name of the lesson. (These are all lessons in Key Stage 2 within the relevant subjects).

Mental health Awareness Week

Today is the start of Mental Health Awareness Week. This year’s theme is ‘Express Yourself’. At Apley, we believe very strongly in supporting children’s mental health.  Please use the link below from 9:00am today to access the assembly produced by Oak Academy.

Mental Health Awareness Week Assembly