Secondary School Admissions for September 2025

The closing date for secondary school admissions is 31st October.

Parents can submit up to four preference schools on their application and we encourage parents to apply for more than one school as, if the LA are unable to offer the preferred school they may be allocated a school that is some distance away if their catchment school is already full.  Each year the LA do see a lot of applications that have only one preference which can lead to a lot of disappointment when allocated a school some distance from the home address.

Late applicants are unlikely to be offered one of their preferred schools as places in popular schools will be full on National Offer Day.

If you  have any queries then please email

Healthy snacks and water

As a reminder, please can children only bring in healthy snacks into school. We are seeing an increasing number of children bringing in chocolate bars, crisps and even sausage rolls.

We are also seeing lots of squash in water bottles. Please can you make sure that your child only brings in water in their bottles.

As a healthy school, we encourage the children to make positive choices in these areas. Thank you for your support with this.

Return to School (Year 6)

Welcome Back!

We hope you have had an amazing and well-rested summer holiday.

Our Year 6 PE days are as following:

  • Monday (Indoor)
  • Wednesday (Outdoor)

Please send your children into school wearing PE kit on those days.

We can’t wait to welcome you all back 🙂

Year 6

Free Parent Online safety workshop delivered by West Mercia Police

Join a free one hour online parent awareness session to give yourself a head start in an ever changing digital world. Please see the link below for how to book for the workshop.

Protect our children A5 flyer PARENT-GUARDIAN


World Book Day Monday 11th March

Due to our year 5 residential, we will be celebrating

World Book Day this year on Monday 11th March.


Come to school dressed as your favourite

book character or author and bring in your

favourite book to share with children from another year group.


Author Visit: we will also be having a visit from local author, Sarah Griffiths, who will be sharing her fantastic new book with us.