Secondary School Admissions

As it’s closely approaching, just a little reminder that the deadline for Secondary School Admissions is 31st October.

Year 6 Mental Health Day Activities

As part of World Mental Health day, Year 6 enjoyed their wellbeing activities outside. They had a great time playing some ‘mini-golf’ style challenges and reflecting on strategies they can use to support their wellbeing.

Well done Year 6

Year 6 had a lovely, relaxing Friday watching films with popcorn, enjoying the outdoors and playing along to ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley to celebrate the end of SATs week.

We are so proud of the tremendous effort and determination they showed towards all of their SATs papers and the positivity they demonstrated throughout the week. Well done Year 6 – you should be so proud of yourselves!

PE day change for SATs week

If possible, please can Year 6 come in their PE kit on Tuesday 14th May instead of Wednesday.

‘Top Dogs’ – West Mercia Police

Some Apley Wood pupils had a rather different lunchtime today which they spent with some special visitors! They enjoyed playing ‘Top Dogs’ cards with PC Brittain, PC Huges and PC Worrall, along with getting to meet their police dogs PD Geroge and PD Riley. The pupils asked some great police-dog focused questions and particularly loved winning their first ‘Top Dogs’ police trading cards.

Year 6 PE days

Now that we have come to the end of our Spring Term Forest School sessions, Year 6’s will go back to the normal routine of wearing PE kits on both Thursdays and Fridays.

Art in Forest School

The rain didn’t dampen the spirits of Year 6 today when they went into Forest School for their first art lesson of the half term. They enjoyed exploring the grounds to find natural shapes and patterns after analysing different textiles.

Forest School 14/12/23

Year 6 had an amazing morning in Forest School today. They explored through the woodland area, experimented with clay and reflected on the benefits of being around nature. What a lovely winter’s morning!

Blists Hill – 21/9/23

Year 6 had a brilliant time at Blists Hill. While they explored the Victorian town, they asked some great, historical questions and made some excellent comparisons between different ways of life.

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