Year Group Information – Welcome Back Year 2!

Firstly, we want to welcome all the children who will be moving up to Year 2 this year. We cannot wait to work with you all! We thought it would be nice to do an introduction so you know names and routines in Year 2.

Base 3 – Miss Gilbert

Base 4 – Miss Dovydaitis

Teaching Assistants – Miss Pearson, Miss M and Miss Tincknell (afternoons)


Homework – all log in details are available in the back of reading diaries!

Reading – we would ideally like you to listen to your children read 3 times a week and they will be rewarded 5 house points for every time this is recorded in their reading diary.

Spellings – spellings will be sent home on a weekly basis and the children will be tested on a Friday. (Week 1 there will be no spellings!)

Maths Homework – every week, there will be MyMaths homework set on a Friday, to be completed by the following Friday. If you are struggling with online access, let us know as we can ensure this is put in a book for you.

Homework Projects – these are set at termly and the children will be given more details about this towards the end of the Autumn term.


Physical Education – children will wear their P.E kits to school on their P.E days so will not need to be in uniform.

Indoor P.E – Wednesday

Outdoor P.E – Tuesday


If you have any questions, please ask your class teacher.

Miss Gilbert and Miss Dovydaitis

Author Visit

This morning, Year 2 have shared Sarah’s new book, ‘When the Fireflies Came’ and they thoroughly enjoyed it. They asked Sarah a range of questions about the story, how she became an author and about the amazing illustrations too. Thank you for sharing this with us! 😃

Caribbean Arts Day

Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed creating some beautiful art work linked to our Caribbean topic this morning. This afternoon, they listened to a range of traditional Caribbean music and made a maraca to dance along to the songs with.

Base 3 STEAM Week – dress up day!

What a start to our STEAM week! Base 3 have discussed a range of careers linked to STEAM. Look how fantastic their costumes are too.