Welcome to Year 4

Welcome back to school!

We are so excited to see you all again and are looking forward to a fantastic year.

Here are a couple of reminders and introductions for you.

Base 7 – Mrs Beardwood

Base 8 – Mrs Richards (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Williams (Thurs-Fri)

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Ryan

Base 7 morning and end-of-day routine –  Please drop off and collect your children at the fire exit door in between Base 7 and Base 8.

Base 8 morning and end-of-day routine – Please drop off and collect your children at the Base 8 fire door.

Homework – all log in details will be available in the back of reading diaries by the end of the week.

Reading – please can you listen to your children read, ideally, 3 times a week. Children have the opportunity to win the ‘Reading Star’ each week for their efforts in reading.

Spellings – spellings will be sent home on a weekly basis and the children will be tested on a Friday. The first lot of spellings will be sent home this Friday.

Maths Homework – we will set MyMaths homework each Friday to be completed by the following Friday. If you are struggling with online access, we can provide a book for you.

Physical Education – please send your children in their school PE kits on their PE days. They will not need their uniform. Indoor PE is on Thursdays. Outdoor PE is on Tuesdays. We are having PE tomorrow but don’t worry about PE kit as it’s the first day.

We have attached our exciting long term overview for Autumn term. We are very much looking forward to working with you on all of our brilliant topics.

See you all tomorrow,

Mrs Richards, Mrs Beardwood, Mrs Williams and Mrs Ryan.

Year 4 Autumn Term Overview update

Week 1 Weekly Timetable

Welcome back!

We’re so excited to start Year 4.

Here is the weekly timetable for the week beginning 5th September.

Week 1 – 5.9.22


Summer Reading Challenge






This year’s Summer Reading Challenge theme is Gadgeteers, created in partnership with Science Museum Group and illustrated by top children’s writer and illustrator Julian Beresford. The children are asked to read 6 books throughout the summer and along the way, they can collect stickers and once they have read six books will receive a medal and certificate.

Children can read any books in any format, fiction, non-fiction, picture books, audio books, eBooks and eAudio books via our Libby App.

Visit your local library or follow the link to find out more and to look up book ideas. https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/join-in

Any child who takes part, can bring their medal into school on our return in September and will receive 15 HP! Let’s all get reading!

South Asian heritage Workshop

On Wednesday 13th, Year 4 will be having a South Asian Heritage Workshop that includes dance and yoga. The children will need to come into school in their PE kits please.


Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor

Y4 Conkers Trip

Year 4 had a fantastic day at Conkers today. The sun shone on us all as we had a go at the activity trail and the barefoot walk. Great fun was had by everyone!

Sports Days

We are so excited for our Sports Days next week and to finally welcome parents/carers back as spectators!


Reception: Monday 27th June. 9:30am-11:00am

Reception’s Sports Day will take place on the top field (behind the pirate ship). They will complete a ’round robin’ of activities followed by a running race at the end. Please remain in the allocated area in the middle of the field.


For Years 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 Sports Days, we will be using both fields.  Field One (the top field by the pirate ship) will be for track events and Field Two (the bottom field by the trim trail) will be for fielding events. To ensure everyone is safe and that it runs smoothly, please can spectators remain in the marked and allocated areas. The order of the events are as follows:

Years 3 & 4 : Tuesday 28th June. 9.30am-11.45am

Year 3

  • 9:30am – 10:30am: Field One doing track events
  • Begin 10:40am – 11:40am: Field Two doing fielding events

Year 4

  • 9:30am – 10:30am: Field Two doing fielding events
  • Begin 10:40am – 11:40am: Field One doing track events


Years 5 & 6 :Tuesday 28th June. 1.30pm-3.00pm

Year 5

  • 1:30pm – 2:15pm: Field One doing track events
  • 2:15pm – 3:00pm: Field Two doing fielding events

Year 6

  • 1:30pm – 2:15pm: Field Two doing fielding events
  • 2:15pm – 3:00pm: Field One doing track events


Years 1 & 2 : Wednesday 29th June.  9.30am-11.45am

Year 1

  • 9:30am – 10:30am: Field One doing track events
  • Begin 10:40am – 11:30am: Field Two doing fielding events

Year 2

  • 9:30am – 10:30am: Field Two doing fielding events
  • Begin 10:40am – 11:30am: Field One doing track events


Children should come to school in their PE kit, wearing a t shirt of their school house team (red, green, yellow or blue), or their school PE t shirt. We are hoping for sunny weather, so please also remember a water bottle, sun cream and sun hat.