Year 3- Sports Relief

Year 3 had a fantastic morning doing some activities for Sports Relief. Thank you to Mr Mountford for organising it, we loved listening to some music and getting active!

Year 3 stone-age

The Year 3 children had a wonderful trip back in time to the Neolithic Era this afternoon creating their very own stone-age settlements. The children heard a range of facts all about the northerly village, Skara Brae and went off to create miniature versions of their own.


Despite the rain, their spirits weren’t dampened as they were treated to a warm hot chocolate before adding the final touches to their settlements.


The wildlife in forest school are now very luck to have so many options for places to shelter from the rain! Well done Year 3.


Snow Day

Good Morning Year 3!

We hope you are all enjoying the snow, but most importantly are staying safe.  If you want some fun things to do today, we have some ideas!

Maths: We have been studying measurement in Maths for the last couple of weeks. Could you measure 10 items from around your house? You could provide the answers in either mm or cm.

English: You all did a fantastic job at persuading the reader to buy a Stone Age axe. Could you write a persuasive advert about a new, super fast sledge that you have designed? Think about all of the techniques we learnt last week.

We have also attached some Snow Day activities that you could do. Miss Dovydaitis and Mrs Hindle especially like the Snow Bingo where we get to make a snowman and drink hot chocolate!

We look forward to hearing what you have been up to over the weekend on Monday. Stay safe!

Miss Dovydaitis and Mrs Hindle


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E-Safety Questions for Parents / Guardians Survey

This survey has now been re-opened for another week, if you have not had the opportunity to complete this yet, now is your chance!

The average time to complete the survey was just under 5 mins.

Thank you 😊