Josh’s show and tell

I made a bug house for my project using sticks and leaves and old bottles. I stuck leaves and twigs and bark inside the bottles. I put it out in the garden for the bugs.

Me and my sister and my mum made some flags and coloured them in. We stuck them onto string and put them up in the conservatory. They were for VE day.

It was my birthday on 8th May. I had a Spider-Man cake and we played games. My favourite presents were my new nerf gun and my action figures.

We went to Apley Woods on our bikes. We liked balancing on the logs.

Shay’s rainbow shell art

Shay and his mum made a rainbow shell picture. They painted the shells and left them to dry. Once they were dry, Shay arranged his shells into a lovely rainbow shape. Such a great idea Shay!

White Rose Maths – Week 2

You may want to follow the lessons before you begin to complete the tasks below.

Video Links

Here are Week 2’s White Rose Maths activities with the answers.

Lesson 1 Answers Compare lengths 2019

Lesson 1 Compare lengths 2019

Lesson 2 Answers Order lengths 2019

Lesson 2 Order lengths 2019

Lesson 3 Answers Four operations with lengths 2019

Lesson 3 Four operations with lengths 2019

Lesson 4 Answers Problem Solving

Lesson 4 Problem Solving

White Rose Maths – Week 1

You may want to follow the lessons before you begin to complete the tasks below.

Video Links

Here are Week 1’s White Rose Maths activities with the answers.

Lesson 1 Find three quarters 2019

Lesson 1 Answers Find three quarters 2019

Lesson 2 Count in fractions 2019

Lesson 2 Answers Count in fractions 2019

Lesson 3 Measure length (cm) 2019

Lesson 3 Answers Measure length (cm) 2019

Lesson 4 Measure length (m) 2019

 Lesson 4 Answers Measure length (m) 2019

White Rose Maths

Hi everyone!

Many of you may have been using the White Rose Maths resources online and will have noticed that they are now charging for these. We have bought a membership and I will be able to update the website on a weekly basis with the latest resources. The week beginning 11th May is week 4 but I will also include weeks 1-3 on here for anybody who has missed them.

Stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

A message from the children in school

After seeing our staff video message, some of the children in school wanted to write messages to their teachers, classes and family members. We really enjoyed putting this video together. There were a lot of laughs and retakes involved! Enjoy!

Lockdown song challenge

Lockdown has been something totally new for all of us. It has never happened before in our lifetimes. You must have been experiencing an extremely different way of life so I thought it would be a good opportunity to write a song.

1) Write lyrics to a song all about lockdown. Think about what has been happening in the country (e.g. shops, schools, family time…). 

2) Come up with a rhythm for your song. Maybe include rhyme to help you? You could always write a rap.

3) If you’re at home, perform your song to your family. If you’re at school, perform your song to the other children in school.

Please send a photograph of your lyrics to me at along with your name and your base. I can then add it to your year group’s page.

I am excited to see your lyrics!

Mrs Richards