Welcome to Year 5!

We hope you all had a great summer holiday and are looking forward to coming back to school and starting your time in Year 5.

We have lots of exciting things planned for you this year and we can’t wait to get started with you this term.

Our PE days this year will be Tuesday and Thursday.

We will be setting homework every Friday and this will be due in and marked the following Friday.

Spellings will be given on a Friday, definitions will be discussed on a Monday and these will be tested on a Friday.

Mrs Stinson and Mrs Rowe

Year 5 – DT – 28.06.24

This week, Year 5 have been making ‘Doodlers’ in DT.

We have been looking at closed series circuits, product design, product function and form to create a toy.

Here are some images from our lesson today. All of Year 5 have shown brilliant resilience, team work, resourcefulness and reflection on their designs.

Well done Year 5!

Free Parent Online safety workshop delivered by West Mercia Police

Join a free one hour online parent awareness session to give yourself a head start in an ever changing digital world. Please see the link below for how to book for the workshop.

Protect our children A5 flyer PARENT-GUARDIAN


Homework – Summer 1

This half term, our topic is Countries and Capitals (Norway).

For this half term’s project, we would like you to create a model of a capital city of your choice or a set of ‘Top Trumps’ style cards based on different capital cities around Europe.

Here are some examples:

Formula 1 in school! – 26.02.24

On Monday, Year 5 took part in a STEM workshop where they got to design, build and race miniature F1 cars! They had the best time in their groups with assigned roles such as: Team Leader, Manufacturing Engineer, Graphic Designer, Design Engineer! There are definitely some budding engineers at Apley!

Year 5 visit Oz!

Last half term, Year 5 walked up to Charlton to watch their performance of The Wizard of Oz! They all thought it was amazing and were great ambassadors for Apley!

Homework – Spring 2

Due to our London trip and upcoming assessments, we have decided to change our homework for this half term!

As well as practising your weekly spellings, we would like you to design a logo for our upcoming Spring Poetry Performance that represents the Highwayman! KS2 staff will choose the best one to feature on the front of the performance programme!

Here are some images to inspire you!

The Highwayman - oregonlive.comHighwayman Projects :: Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and branding :: BehanceThe Highwayman – A Struggle Between Romance and Reality

World Book Day Monday 11th March

Due to our year 5 residential, we will be celebrating

World Book Day this year on Monday 11th March.


Come to school dressed as your favourite

book character or author and bring in your

favourite book to share with children from another year group.


Author Visit: we will also be having a visit from local author, Sarah Griffiths, who will be sharing her fantastic new book with us.