Year 3/4 Sports Day

The Year 3 and 4 Sports Day will be held on Tuesday 28th June from 9:30 until 11:45.

Children can wear a T-shirt of their house colour with their PE kit. If this is not possible Apley Wood PE kits should be worn. They will need to bring their own water bottles but refills will be available. If the weather is hot, please ensure your child is wearing sun cream and a hat.

Vector illustration that depicted scene of relay of athletic meet.

We are happy to say that parents are welcome to support their children this year and are looking forward to seeing you there.


Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor

Year 4 Summer Term Overview

Please find attached the curriculum overview for Summer Term.

Our history topic is Anglo Saxons and Scots and our Science Topics will be Animals including Humans and The Digestive System.

Y4 Summer Term Curriculum Overview

Happy New Year!

Welcome back Year 4! I hope you all had a super break and were able to spend lots of time with your families.

There has been a change to our PE days due to swimming lessons. This term, children will need to wear PE kits to school on a Monday and a Wednesday. Monday’s lesson will be outdoors so please ensure that your child is dressed warmly.

Please take a look at this term’s overview to see what we are learning before Easter.

Y4 Spring Term Curriculum Overview

Here is this week’s timetable for anyone learning at home this week.


Hope you all have a great first week back.

Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor