Homework information – September 2024

Welcome to Year 4!

Here is some information about Year 4 Homework expectations. Please read the below.

Each week, spelling and maths homework will be set.

Spelling homework will be sent home on Friday stuck in the reading record.

Please ensure that your child copies out their spellings each night and practises for the following Friday before we have our spelling test.

Maths homework is set via MyMaths.

This happens every Friday and should be completed by the following Friday.

Read with your child as much as possible at home.

Please read with and question your children on what they are reading. Please record this in their reading record. They should also be encouraged to record their own reading, page numbers and comments.

National Year 4 Times Tables Speed Check preparation is important.

In June, the children will sit the National Times Tables Speed Check. Each child has their own Times Tables Rockstars login so please encourage them to practise their times tables on this. It would be very beneficial to your child’s preparation if they practised weekly on this.

Thank you,

Mrs Richards, Mrs Williams and Miss Gilmour

Year 4 Maths Homework (9.1.23)

In preparation for our Times Tables assessments later in the year, we would like all children to be accessing Times Tables Rock Stars weekly. We would like every child to be working on TTRS for at least 15 minutes each week including completing a Soundcheck assessment. This will be in place of My Maths homework.

Thank you

Mrs Beardwood, Mrs Richards and Mrs Williams