Year 2 Nativity – Inn-Spectors

This afternoon, we cast the nativity and all children have been sent home with a copy of the script, if they opted for a speaking part, and a information sheet about the costume they should wear.

If you have any questions please see your class teacher.

Can we please ask that all costumes get sent into school in a named carrier bag by Friday 26th November?

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert and Miss Dovydaitis

Black History Month Workshop

Base 3 thoroughly enjoyed completing a Black History Month workshop with the rest of KS1 this morning. They learned all about the Windrush Generation and explored and then drew a range of Caribbean fruits that looked delicious.

School Photos

Hi everyone,

On Tuesday 12th October, all children should come to school in full school uniform. We will amend our PE activities to suit your children not wearing PE kit.

If you have any questions, please ask the class teacher.

Miss Gilbert

Yr 2 PE & Club info

Dear Parents and carers

I understand there has been some confusion this week regarding PE and wearing kit on conflicting days.

PE days are as stated on the class pages of the website: Tuesday (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor). Pupils need to come into school wearing their PE kit on these days only.

For those pupils attending an activity club (3.15-4.15) that requires a change of clothes i.e. football, your child will need to bring their kit in a bag to be stored in their locker until the end of the school day when they can get changed before the start of club.

If your child has a place at football club they require a PE kit or similar suitable for outdoor activities with football boots or trainers.

Reading at home:

Pupils all have a reading book/diary that needs bringing into school every day. If they need to change their book after reading with 2/3 signatures at home, they should put their reading book and diary in the basket before the end of the day and a TA will change their book before they go home.

As always if you have any questions or queries please direct them to and we will endeavour to help.

Apley Wood Team

Reading at Home

We would like to remind you that reading books will be going home each day and will need to be returned to school every day too.

If your child needs to change their book once they have read it a few times at home, they need to place it in the ‘To Change Book’ basket within their classroom before the end of the school day and a member of staff will change it with your child. This may differ slightly for those on Accelerated Reader.

Every time your child reads, please annotate this in their reading record because every three reads, the children are awarded 5 house points. Please ask the children to put their reading diary on the teachers desk in a morning, if they have 3 reads in it and they will then be awarded the house points.

If you have any questions about this, please speak to your class teacher.

Miss Gilbert and Miss Dovydaitis