Base 4- Safari Park Trip

Base 4 had a lovely day at the Safari Park! We saw lots of different animals but our favourites were the lions!  We can’t wait to talk about the different habitats we saw during our Science lessons. 

Base 3 – Safari Park Trip

Base 3 have had a fantastic day at the Safari Park. They behaved beautifully and were able to talk about the types of animals at the park, their habitats and what they would like to eat – well done everyone! 

Pudsey Day

Base 3 have dressed up to raise money for BBC Children in Need well done everyone!

Costumes for the Play

Year 2 Christmas performance rehearsals are well underway. Please remember that costumes are to be in school, in a name labelled bag, by Friday 26th November.

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert and Miss Dovydaitis

Mufti Day reminders

We are holding several mufti days over the coming weeks to support a number of different charities.Please make a donation on these days if possible.

Friday 19th November – wear own clothes or something spotty for Children in Need.

Friday 3rd December – wear the colours of red, blue, green, or orange or dress up as a 999 professional for 999 heroes day. #UniteTheUniforms for the @999Cenotaph

Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper day – Donations for Save the Children UK

Thank you for your support.

Remembrance Day

Base 3 have thoroughly enjoyed making their own poppy to hold whilst taking part in their minutes silence at 11am. They have been extremely respectful – well done!