Overview for Spring Term

Up Up and Away!

Please find our Year 2 Spring Overview attached. We are very much looking forward to teaching you new skills and knowledge about these different areas.

Miss Gilbert and Miss Dovydaitis

Spring Term Overview – Year 2 – 2021

Base 4 Christmas Party

Base 4 had a fantastic time at our Christmas party yesterday! Here are some of us in our party hats ready to play pass the parcel. We are definitely feeling festive now!

Christmas Jumper Day

Base 3 are getting very festive, wearing their Christmas jumpers, whilst raising money.

Key Stage 1 – Christmas Play

KS1 have worked so hard this half term, preparing for their Christmas Play! Their performances have been super and we are extremely proud of them all.

Here are Base 3 in their costumes.

Well done everyone!

Miss Gilbert

Live Streaming- Christmas Performance

We wanted to inform you that we have been offered an exciting opportunity to live stream our Christmas Performance from https://www.io.uk.com/. We will be performing on Thursday 9th December at 2pm. It will be streamed through a password protected page on the school website and the link and password will be sent out to you next week. If you do not want your child to take part in this live stream, please inform the class teacher by Monday 6th December.


This performance is in addition to our filmed performance on Tuesday 7th December. The performance will still appear on the school’s personal YouTube account and we will update you when this is available to view.


We would also like to remind you that these videos MUST NOT be shared on social media.


Yours Sincerely,

Miss Gilbert and Miss Dovydaitis

Year 2 Class Teachers