Junk Modelling

Base 4 have been busy this morning doing some junk modelling to make rockets for our final sculpture in Art. Here are just a few- they look fantastic! Well done Base 4! 😀

Hayley’s Ribbon – Author Visit

KS1 have thoroughly enjoyed listening to author, Sarah Griffiths, today. She read her special story which was all about Hayley’s Ribbon. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story with us this morning!

Base 4- World Book Day

Base 4 look fantastic in their World Book Day costumes! We have loved sharing our favourite stories with one another.

Base 3 – World Book Day

Base 3 are enjoying their World Book Day celebrations. This morning they have played the ‘Masked Reader’, enjoyed sharing stories and completed a range of fun activities linked to the characters in their favourite books. They look fantastic too – well done! 📚

Week 8 Remote Learning Timetable

Welcome back Year 2! We hope you had a lovely half term break.

Please find attached the Week 8 Remote Learning Timetable for any children working from home this week.

Week 8 timetable

Miss Gilbert and Miss Dovydaitis

Base 4 Art Lesson

Base 4 experimented with clay this afternoon in Art. This was the start of our rockets! We can’t wait to see the final pieces once they have dried.