E-Safety Questions for Parents / Guardians Survey

This survey has now been re-opened for another week, if you have not had the opportunity to complete this yet, now is your chance!

The average time to complete the survey was just under 5 mins.

Thank you 😊

A-Maze-ing Forest school

The Year 5 forest school group had an lovely afternoon enjoying the sunshine and bird call as they built their Mazes. After listening to an Ancient Greek myth read by Mr Yardley, the children then split off into teams and created some epic mazes.

The creativity flowed this week as children built walls that needed breaking down, a key to escape the final door and even a dual with Zues before defeating the minotaur.

London Trip Information

If you were unable to attend the London trip parents’ meeting, please follow the link for some useful information relating to what the children need to bring and our itinerary.

Parent meeting

E-Safety Questions for Parents / Guardians Survey

London Parent Meeting

Just a reminder, that there will be a quick meeting at 3:30pm in base 11 on Monday 6th February for those parents whose children are going to London. The meeting will let you know what the children will need to bring. If you are unable to attend, we will post on the class pages the relevant information.