Base 8 STEAM week

Base 8 have had a super week learning all about Bees.

We have researched and designed bee friendly gardens and made bee hotels and watering stations.

Year 4 – Antony Gormley inspired artwork

In Year 4 this week, we have created our own clay sculptures based on the work of Antony Gormley’s ‘Fields’. The children worked with the clay and shaped and molded it to replicas. We then positioned the figures in rows to create our own version.

Antony Gormley’s version:

Year 4’s version:

The children worked really hard to follow instructions and create their artwork in the style of Antony Gormley.

Year 4 Remote Learning Timetable w.b 10.5.21

Hi everyone,

I have attached the online learning time table for next week (week beginning – 10.5.21)

Wk 4 10th May Timetable

You will see all of the links which will take you to the lesson and the worksheets are provided on Teams.

Mr Taylor and Mrs Beardwood