E-Safety Questions for Parents / Guardians Survey

This survey has now been re-opened for another week, if you have not had the opportunity to complete this yet, now is your chance!

The average time to complete the survey was just under 5 mins.

Thank you 😊

Fractions game – 8/2/23

Year 4 had a brilliant time working together to complete their fractions maths game today. Well done!

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Week – 8.2.23

Year 4 have been thinking about our physical and mental health this week. In English, we have written rhyming poems about ‘Hobbies for Happiness’ which were really great.  We have also thought about how staying safe online can help us to be happier. The theme for Mental Health Week this year is ‘Let’s Connect’ so we have thought about all the connections we have with our classmates. We completed Bingo cards that show our connections.  We have all enjoyed the week and hope to keep up the healthy things we have learned about.

E-Safety Questions for Parents / Guardians Survey

Year 4 Arthog Outreach – 31/1/23

Over the last few weeks, Year 4 have really been enjoying their visits to Arthog Outreach. They conquered their fears and showed fantastic resilience by scaling the climbing walls. Some children even managed to climb to the top blindfolded. They also showed super teamwork skills by escaping the elastic. Well done Year 4 and a big thank you to the Arthog Outreach team.

Solid, Liquid or Gas? 18.01.23

Year 4 worked brilliantly in their science groups when sorting items into categories. We are very impressed with how hard you’re working, both independently and in groups, during lessons. Keep it up!

Particles role play 16.01.2023

Year 4 have been learning about states of matter in Science. To make their learning more visual and interesting, they completed a role play activity acting as particles in solids, liquids and gases.