Year 3 Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 29.03.21

Online Learning Timetable Week 12

Please find the online learning timetable for next week attached. Weekly spellings are listed on the timetable. In addition to the maths lessons on the timetable, please try to fit in some times table practise using Times Table Rock Stars. When hearing your child read, please ask them questions about what they have read to develop their comprehension skills.

If anyone else would like a parents evening appointment, please hand the reply slips to us ASAP so that we can accommodate your preferred time slot where possible.

Thank you again for your ongoing support,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

PE days

From next week, Year 3’s P.E days will be Tuesday and Thursday.

Please remind the children that they will need to come to school in their kit on those days.


Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 08/03/21

Online Learning Timetable Week 9 Spring

Please find the online learning timetable for next week attached.

Year 3 PE days will continue to be on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please send your child in wearing appropriate kit and trainers.

Thank you for all of your support with home learning during lockdown, you have done a brilliant job!

We look forward to seeing all of the children back in class on Monday.

Kind regards,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

World Book Day

Today is World Book Day!

Check your class’s remote learning timetable to see some of the exciting things that you could do. Don’t forget to send in photos of anything as we’d love to see them.

We also have a great selection of ideas below from Mrs Beardwood which you might want to do about your favourite book. You could also pick a book from Books For Topics to read or listen to and complete an activity about.






You could also follow the link to the World Book Day website where there is a schedule of fantastic live events which will be streamed via the World Book Day YouTube channel.

Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 01.03.21

Online Learning Timetable Week 8 Spring vr 2

Please fine the online learning timetable for next week attached.

Both Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle will be teaching in school next week. We will respond to emails and Teams messages as quickly as possible. Please bare with us as we may not be able to respond immediately.

Thank you again for all of your support with home learning,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

World Book Day

Next week, Thursday 4th March is World Book Day.

Check your class’s remote learning timetable for that day to see some of the exciting things that you could do. Don’t forget to send in photos of anything as we’d love to see them. We also have a great selection of ideas below from Mrs Beardwood which you might want to do about your favourite book. You could also pick a book from Books For Topics to read or listen to and complete an activity about.






You could also follow the link to the World Book Day website where there is a schedule of fantastic live events which will be streamed from Wed-Fri of that week via the World Book Day YouTube channel.