Year 6 Homework

In year 6, homework is given out weekly. Homework will be given out on a Friday and will need to be completed and returned by the following Friday.

Each week you will get:

  • Maths and SPAG (English) homework – a CGP book will given to you to complete. You will be asked to complete a selection of pages each week.
  • Spellings will be sent home on a Friday to be practised daily.
  • Times Table Rockstars – to be completed throughout the week. Certificates will be given out on a Friday.
  • You will still have a MyMaths login if you want to do any extra maths practise although no individual tasks will be assigned as you will be completing the CGP maths homework book.
  • Reading books will go home everyday – you get 5 house points for every three times that you read at home.

Welcome Back Year 6

Good morning Year 6!

We are very much looking forward to seeing you Monday and we can’t wait to have you back in school. We hope that you have had a lovely summer break.

Here are a few things that you will need to know on your return:

  • Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday – please come to school in your PE kit on these days.
  • We will still be washing our hands regularly throughout the day.
  • Lockers will be being used however please ensure you are only bringing essential items such as a coat, lunchbox, a water bottle and reading book/record.
  • Reading books will be sent home daily.
  • Homework (maths, SPAG and spellings) will be sent home every Friday and it needs to be returned by the following Friday.
  • Your first homework will be given on Friday 10th September.

See you all Monday 🙂

Miss Morgan and Miss Whitehouse

VOTE! Best Team Player of Base 11

We want you to vote for your ‘Best Team Player’ of Class’2021.
Think carefully about your time during Primary School. Which boy and girl have stood out and shown brilliant qualities of being the ‘Best Team Players’ in the class?
Please vote for one boy and one girl from Base 11.
Either email your names to or send a message through the Teams Chat Function by the end of the day Thursday.
Please spread the word to anyone who might have missed the post so that we can aim to get everyone in Base 11 to vote!

Weekly Spellings

The weekly spellings for next week (12th – 16th July) are:

  • individual
  • interfere
  • interrupt
  • language
  • leisure
  • lightning

Remember: there will be some ‘mystery spelling words’ from the Y5/6 spelling list too!

Weekly Spellings

The weekly spellings for next week (5th – 9th July) are:

  • guarantee
  • harass
  • hindrance
  • identity
  • immediate
  • immediately

Remember: there will be some ‘mystery spelling words’ from the Y5/6 spelling list too!

Weekly Spellings

The weekly spellings for next week (28th June – 2nd July) are:

  • explanation
  • familiar
  • foreign
  • forty
  • frequently
  • government

Remember: there will be some ‘mystery spelling words’ from the Y5/6 spelling list too!

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