Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Return to School (Year 6)

Welcome Back!

We hope you have had an amazing and well-rested summer holiday.

Our Year 6 PE days are as following:

  • Monday (Indoor)
  • Wednesday (Outdoor)

Please send your children into school wearing PE kit on those days.

We can’t wait to welcome you all back 🙂

Year 6

See previous messages & posts

Useful Websites

Amazing ICT – Mr Smith will be updating frequently with new activities.

Purple Mash

BBC Schools – Primary Ages 4 – 11

BBC Bitesize


Times Table Rockstars

Oxford Owl – Fun ideas for learning at home





Class Showcase
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Return to School (Year 6)
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School re-opens on Tuesday 3rd September for pupils.
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Year 6 Sports Day

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Return to School (Year 6)
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School re-opens on Tuesday 3rd September for pupils.
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Year 6 Sports Day
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

Year 6 Snow Day

Good morning everyone – happy Snow Day!

Here’s some ideas of things you could do today whilst enjoying the snow. Please take some photos, as we would love to see what you get up to!


3D shape (which was meant to be today’s focus)

Everyone is always keen to dive into the snow to make snow spheres (aka snowballs) but what other 3D objects are you able to make? A cube? Cuboid? Squared based pyramid? Tetrahedron?

Aim big – could you build a snow igloo using snow cuboids (bricks)? How many bricks are needed to make each row?


Poetry (our genre for reading next week)

Write a poem based on the ‘Snow Day’. Consider the emotions an unexpected snow day could cause and the beautiful views which it creates. What type of poem will you write? A haiku? Acrostic? Cinquain? A Shape poem, like the ‘Elevate’ one we studied Wednesday?

Other ideas:

There are so many other exciting activities which you could do. How about you have a go at completing this Snow Day Bingo:

Snow Day Bingo

Have a great day, stay stafe and enjoy the snow!

Miss Whitehouse and Mrs Rowe 🙂

See previous remote learning

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.