Hobgoblin Theatre Visit

This morning, Years 5 and 6 had the privilege of watching ‘A Christmas Carol’ by the Hobgoblin Theatre Company. As expected, there were no “Bah humbugs!” from any of the audience members!

Year 5 Swimming lessons letter.

Please see attached the Year 5 Swimming Lessons letter that your child will  be starting after the Christmas break .

Year 5 Swimming letter Jan 2022

Anti-Bullying Week

This week is national Anti-Bullying Week with a focus this year on ‘one kind word’. Our year 5 children have been designing superheroes who will spread one kind word to help children. Take a look at their great designs.

Mufti Day reminders

We are holding several mufti days over the coming weeks to support a number of different charities.Please make a donation on these days if possible.

Friday 19th November – wear own clothes or something spotty for Children in Need.

Friday 3rd December – wear the colours of red, blue, green, or orange or dress up as a 999 professional for 999 heroes day. #UniteTheUniforms for the @999Cenotaph

Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper day – Donations for Save the Children UK

Thank you for your support.

Welcome Back

Welcome back and we hope you’ve had a lovely half term.

What a great first day back it’s been in year 5 with house points, table points, raffle tickets and golden tickets all being awarded! Well done year 5 and keep it up!