Veolia ‘Lunchbox challenge’ workshop

Year 5 enjoyed their Veolia ‘Lunchbox challenge’ workshop yesterday. They found it that interesting that they ended up reflecting on their own waste habits and discussing how they can improve. Well done!

Year 5 PE reminder

Just a reminder that our indoor PE this term is swimming on Wednesdays. The children may come to school in their PE kit on this day if they wish. They can also come to school with their swimming things on under their uniform.

Outdoor PE is still on a Friday.

Base 12 Ninja Warrior

Base 12 have taken part in the inter-house ‘Ninja Warrior’ games this morning. They had a fantastic time trying to beat each other’s times and get around the course the quickest. Well done base 12! A big thanks to Mr Mountford for organising the event.

Cooking soup!

Today, year 5 made a very delicious vegetable soup! We are all so proud of how safely and carefully they worked. Well done!
The next Jamie Oliver‘s?