Safer Internet Day

Year 5 listened excellently to Georgia and Chris from BCS (The chartered institute for IT) whilst they talked about staying safe online. We would all like to say a huge thank you for today’s discussion!

All fun and games?

At Apley children are regularly educated on internet safety as we believe it to be an integral part of our Computing policy. What better way to continue to promote good online safety practice by taking part in Safer Internet Day 2022. Thanks to our fab Safeguarding Team on kickstarting what is going to be an exciting week of workshops for both pupils and parents. They delivered a fun and informative assembly today. #SaferInternetDay


Today, Year 5 used microbits to create an advanced version of Rock, Paper, Scissors! We all managed to learn so much due to the expert teaching of @AmazingICT_Paul

Rock, paper, scissors!

Base 12 had an amazing time in their lesson on selection and coding yesterday! Starting from scratch, they managed to code on a laptop, link it to a Micro:bit and then challenge each other to games of rock, paper, scissors. Thank you so much Paul from “Amazing ICT”.

Week 4 Timetable

Good morning!

Please follow the link for the year 5 timetable for the week beginning 24th January.

Week 4

Let’s investigate…

Year 5 were thoroughly engaged in their thermal insulator vs thermal conductor science experiment yesterday. They shared fantastic predictions, were excited about their findings and then discussed detailed conclusions. What a brilliant start to the week!

Super swimmers!

Year 5 did themselves really proud today. They demonstrated their excellent resilience skills during their first swimming session. We are very proud of you!