Week 10 Weekly Timetable

Here is the timetable for the week beginning 14th March.

Week 10

Week 9 Weekly Timetable

Here is the timetable for the week beginning 7th March.

Week 9

How can we fix this mix?

Year 5 had a brilliant time separating mixtures last week. Well done for making a range of links to real-life situations too.


London visit

Year 5 have had an amazing couple of days in London. We were so lucky to watch an incredible performance of Matilda and to visit the London Science Museum. A special mention for the impeccable and outstanding behaviour shown by all the children.

Those not going to London

Children will be going out of the door to base 11 on Thursday and Friday and need to all come in through Base 11’s door on Friday morning.

Thank you

London Trip

Just a reminder that children need to be in school uniform for the London trip and to bring a packed lunch for Thursday.

Thank you.

Week 8 Weekly Timetable

Here is the timetable for the week beginning 28th February.

Week 8