Week 1 Weekly Timetable

Here is the timetable for the week beginning 25th April.

Week 1

PE Day Change

As swimming has now finished, after Easter, we shall be reverting back to our original PE days.

Indoor – Tuesday

Outdoor – Friday

Week 13 Weekly Timetable

Here is the timetable for the week beginning 4th April.

Week 13

Vector drawing victories!

Year 5 had a fantastic morning beginning their ‘Vector drawing’ unit for Computing. The enthusiasm in our classrooms was delightful to see. Well done!


Week 12 Weekly Timetable

Here is the timetable for the week beginning 28th March.

Week 12

What a wonderful term of swimming!

We are so proud of our Year 5 children for their amazing efforts in swimming. What is delightful to see is how each and every child is proud of themselves too. Well done!

Homework Project Reminder

Just a reminder that homework projects are due in on Friday 1st April.

We can’t wait to see what fantastic work has been produced again.