Mental Health Awareness Week – 1st Feb

The week beginning Monday 1st February is Mental Health Awareness Week. This year’s theme is ‘Express Yourself’. At Apley, we believe very strongly in supporting children’s mental health.  Please use the link below next Monday (which will also be on next week’s remote learning timetable and assignments) to access the assembly produced by Oak Academy.

Mental Health Awareness Week Assembly

Year 4 Home Learning – week beginning 25/1/21

Good Morning Year 4

Please find below the timetable for this week’s home learning.

Timetable 25.1.21

All of the resources will be uploaded on Teams each morning.

This week you will notice there will be 3 different challenges for some of the lessons. This is so we can provide work to meet the children’s needs more closely.

Challenge 1 – is for Blue group Base 8 and Red Group Base 7

Challenge 2 – is for yellow, green, orange and purple groups

Challenge 3 – is for Red group Base 8 and Blue Group Base 7

Year 4 Home Learning 25.1.21

Please find below the timetable for this week’s home learning.

Timetable 18.1.21 new

All of the resources will be uploaded on Teams each morning.

This week you will notice there will be 3 different challenges for some of the lessons. This is so we can provide work to meet the children’s needs more closely.

Challenge 1 – is for Blue group Base 8 and Red Group Base 7

Challenge 2 – is for yellow, green, orange and purple groups

Challenge 3 – is for Red group Base 8 and Blue Group Base 7

UPDATED – Year 4 Home Learning Timetable

Good Morning Year 4

Due to a change in government guidelines this week’s timetable has been extended to include an extra lesson each day.

Here is the updated timetable for learning from home this week.

Timetable 11.1.21

Don’t forget to logon to Teams to find all of the activities that you need. Once you have completed activities, don’t forget to submit a copy for your teacher to review. This can be done by email or through Teams. If you have completed your work on paper, just take a photograph and send this to us. We are looking forward to seeing how you are getting on and will be able to help more if we can see what are you doing.

If you are having any problems, please don’t forget to send a message and we can try to help you.

Have a good week

Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor

AR Quizzing From Home

Good morning!

During lockdown, from MONDAY 11th January, the children are now able to access Accelerated Reading quizzes from home. They will need to use the following link and then log on as normal.

These quizzes must be completed as they would in school: after children have completed the book and know it well (read it three times if it is a short book) and in the quiet with no additional adult support. The children can, as normal, refer to their book though.

Please email any post-quiz TOPs reports to the year group teachers for them to be printed at school and filed in the children’s TOPS report folders.

Please be aware that we will not be issuing certificates during lockdown and school closure.

You may use the children’s ‘Home Connect’ log-in to identify books within the ZPD range that the children need.

Storytime Online

If your children love listening to stories being read to them, then whilst they are learning from home, head over to ‘Books for Topics – Storytime Online’ for access to free stories. The site uses QR codes  to link to story readings on Youtube and all of the books are read aloud by their fabulous authors and illustrators.

Follow the link and happy listening!

Storytime Online

Books for Topics

Just a reminder that ‘Books for Topics’ is a fantastic resource for children from EYFS up to year 6 to help to find and choose books to read which are linked to the children’s science, history and geography topics. They suggest a great range of fiction and non-fiction books pitched at different ages.

Follow the link below and have a look!

Books for Topics

Year 4 Remote Learning timetable – week beginning 4.1.21

4.1.21 Remote Learning Timetable

Please see the above link to this week’s remote learning timetable.

You will see all of the links which will take you to the lesson and the worksheets are provided on the link.

Mr Taylor and Mrs Beardwood

Year 4 Home Learning 14.12.20

Here is the timetable for any children learning from home this week. Resources for the activities will be available.