Year 4 PE times

Good afternoon

After the Easter Break, Year 4 will be going back to their previous PE days of Monday and Tuesday.

Therefore the children will need to wear their school PE kit into school on those days.

Thank you

Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor

Year 4 Easter Egg Hunt

This morning, Year 4 have had their very own Easter egg hunt. However, instead of looking for chocolate eggs they searched the playground for colourful eggs that contained a range of spelling, punctuation and grammar questions. They all had a great time while recapping some of the Year 4 SPAG objectives. Well done Year 4!

Easter Reading Challenge






During the Easter holidays, we are setting 2 photographic reading challenges for you. You can pick one or even both of them!

Challenge 1: Take a photo  of yourself or your family reading in an usual or interesting location.

Challenge 2: Take a photo of yourself reading in a setting and scene that appears in the plot of your book whilst dressed up as one of the characters from the book.

We will be choosing a winner for each challenge from each year group. Winners will receive a certificate and 5 HP.

Don’t forget to email your photographs in to the school email address. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Happy Reading!

Base 8’s Photo Shoot

As part of our Art and Computing Lessons, Base 8 have been learning about photography. In Art we have studied the work of Antony Gormley, a British sculptor, who is most famous for the Angel of the North.

We looked at several of his famous sculptures then went outside and recaptured some of the poses using photographs. Next, we are going to create sketches based on the photos. I can’t wait to see the outcome!

Mrs Beardwood

Year 4 PE next week


Due to cover in school, Year 4 will be doing their PE lesson on Tuesday next week (16th March). This change will be for one week only.

Please remember that children should be wearing their PE kit to school on PE days. We will be going outside so they need to be suitably dressed for colder days.

PE kits will also need to worn on Friday (19th March) for our Comic Relief sports event.

Thank you and sorry for having to make the change.

Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor

Home Learning Timetable 8.3.21

Please find attached the timetable for anyone learning from home in Year 4. If they are needed, lesson resources will be attached in Teams.



Year 4 PE Change

Hello everyone!

We are really looking forward to seeing you all next week. You will find that most things will be the same as they were before Christmas but we are changing the day we have our PE lesson.

We will now have PE on a Wednesday afternoon so you will only need to wear your PE kit on that day. On Mondays and Tuesdays you will need to wear your ordinary school uniform.

Have a good weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor