Year 4 Parent DEAR time

Good morning!

Don’t forget that you are invited to a ‘DEAR time ‘ (Drop Everything And Read) session in class with your child tomorrow – Wednesday 12th October from 2:55pm.

We can’t wait to see you all there.

DEAR Time for Parents

DEAR Time for Parents
Here at Apley we have a love of reading and every day have a ‘DEAR time’ slot
(Drop Everything And Read). In this slot, the children may read independently, or
they may listen to the class story being read to them.
We would like to celebrate reading further by inviting you to take part in one of our
DEAR time slots. This is a lovely opportunity for you to come into school and
spend some relaxed time with your child at the end of the school day and either
listen to them read, read to them or even read together. Each session will take
place between 2:55pm and 3:15pm.
Please see the dates below for when your child’s year group will be holding their
DEAR time open door session.
EYFS – November 8th
Year 1 – November 29th
Year 2 – December 7th
Year 3 – October 5th
Year 4- October 12th
Year 5 – November 16th
Year 6 – November 2nd

Science Investigation

Today, children in year 4 have used their ‘Team Ant’ skills to work together to plan an investigation on which materials in a circuit will still light up a bulb. We discussed insulators and conductors and their different properties. The children predicted that metal would work best and found that their predictions were correct because metal is a conductor.