Healthy snacks and water

As a reminder, please can children only bring in healthy snacks into school. We are seeing an increasing number of children bringing in chocolate bars, crisps and even sausage rolls.

We are also seeing lots of squash in water bottles. Please can you make sure that your child only brings in water in their bottles.

As a healthy school, we encourage the children to make positive choices in these areas. Thank you for your support with this.

Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome back and welcome to Year 3!

We hope that you have all had a fantastic summer and we can’t wait to get started tomorrow.

Please find below some useful information for the year:

Each week, starting from week 2, spelling and maths homework will be set.

Spellings will be sent home each week stuck in the children’s reading records. Please can you ensure that your child copies out their spellings each night and practices for the following Friday before we have our spelling test.

Maths homework is set via MyMaths every Friday and should be completed by the following Thursday.

Please try to read with your child as much as possible at home and question them on what they are reading – ideally 3x a week.

Our PE days are Monday (indoors) and Thursday (outdoors) so please send your child into school wearing their school PE kit on those days.

Each pupil has their own Times Table Rock Stars login. It would be very beneficial to your child if they could play on this at least weekly- they may even win a certificate! In Year 3, we focus on the 3x, 4x and 8x tables.

This page will be updated with photographs and important information regularly, but please do not hesitate to contact school if there are any other questions.

Thank you,

Mrs Hindle and Miss Dovydaitis

Year 3 STEAM dress up- 15.7.24

It was lovely to see such a range of STEAM careers represented yesterday by Year 3 children. We had a great morning discussing what a scientist does in their day to day job.

Year 3 and 4 Sports’ Day

Despite the gathering clouds, the drizzling rain and umbrellas going up all around, the year 3 and 4 sports’ day went ahead with enormous success: so much so that by the end, the rain had disappeared.

The children gave their all to the field and track events and there was great success, achievement and fun all around. We definitely have some future archers and javelin throwers in our midst.

Thank you so much to everyone who came along and supported the children, even in the not-so glorious summer weather.

Free Parent Online safety workshop delivered by West Mercia Police

Join a free one hour online parent awareness session to give yourself a head start in an ever changing digital world. Please see the link below for how to book for the workshop.

Protect our children A5 flyer PARENT-GUARDIAN


Thursday performance

As tomorrow is our first performance of our Spring play, please ensure your child is attending school in full school uniform as there will be no P.E. tomorrow.


Thank you,

Miss Dovydaitis and Mrs Hindle

PE Days Spring 2

Welcome back Year 3! We hope you have all had a lovely half term.

Since we have finished our geography topic in forest school, our PE days will revert back to being on a Monday and Thursday. The children will no longer need to bring their forest school things with them on a Thursday.


PE Days for Spring 2:

Indoor PE- Monday

Outdoor PE- Thursday

World Book Day Monday 11th March

Due to our year 5 residential, we will be celebrating

World Book Day this year on Monday 11th March.


Come to school dressed as your favourite

book character or author and bring in your

favourite book to share with children from another year group.


Author Visit: we will also be having a visit from local author, Sarah Griffiths, who will be sharing her fantastic new book with us.