Year 4 Swimming lessons letter

Please see attached the Year 4 Swimming Lessons letter that your child will  be starting after the Christmas break .

Year 4 Swimming letter Jan 2022

Mufti Day reminders

We are holding several mufti days over the coming weeks to support a number of different charities.Please make a donation on these days if possible.

Friday 19th November – wear own clothes or something spotty for Children in Need.

Friday 3rd December – wear the colours of red, blue, green, or orange or dress up as a 999 professional for 999 heroes day. #UniteTheUniforms for the @999Cenotaph

Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper day – Donations for Save the Children UK

Thank you for your support.

Year 4 – Week 9 timetable

Good Morning

Here is the timetable for any Year 4 pupils who are working from home this week.

Week 9 8.11.21

Amazing Egyptians!

Base 8 have had a fantastic time celebrating our Egyptian Day today. The costumes were incredible although some were quite scary! We had super fun getting artistic and have created some fantastic clay cartouches, spice paintings and Egyptian jewellery.

Everyone worked really hard and have made me super proud.

Mrs Beardwood

Weekly Timetable

Please find below the timetable for the week beginning the 11th October 2021.

This is to be used by any children working at home this week.

Week 6 11.10.21

Y4 Timetable – 20/9/21

Please find below the week 3 timetable for any children working from home.

Week 3

Welcome Back Year 4

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a great break and are ready to return to school all refreshed and willing to learn.

We have a super term for you to look forward to with an exciting Egyptian topic and learning all about Electricity and Sound in our Science lessons.

We will be using lockers again this term but it would be helpful if you could only bring essential items into school – coat, bag, lunch and water bottles. There is no need to bring your own pencil case.

PE days will be Monday and Thursday. You will still need to wear your kit to school.

Looking forward to seeing you next week.

Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor