Santa Dash Friday 9th December

Friday 9th December the whole school will be taking part in a Christmas themed assault course. All children will need to make sure they are in PE kits and have suitable footwear on so they can take part. Santa Dash 22 Primary Timetable.

If children have Christmas hats then please get involved and bring them along.

Pedestrian Training

Base 8 had a fantastic day of ‘Pedestrian Training’ today. They have learnt the importance of the green cross code and to ‘Stop, Look, Listen and Think’ whenever they are planning to cross the road. The children were then able to put the theory into practice! Very well done to group 3 who also had to contend with some very heavy rain whilst out on their walk.

Year 4 Family Lunch

Don’t forget that it is the year 4 family lunch on Wednesday 23rd November. Come and enjoy a lovely meal with your child in our dining hall.

Pedestrian Training

Just a reminder that year 4s ‘Stepping out’ pedestrian training is next week.

Base 7 – Tuesday 22nd November

Base 8 – Thursday 24th November

Please send children in with an appropriate coat as we shall still be going even if stays as wet as it currently is! Thank you.