Year 4 Maths Homework (9.1.23)

In preparation for our Times Tables assessments later in the year, we would like all children to be accessing Times Tables Rock Stars weekly. We would like every child to be working on TTRS for at least 15 minutes each week including completing a Soundcheck assessment. This will be in place of My Maths homework.

Thank you

Mrs Beardwood, Mrs Richards and Mrs Williams

Y4 Super Artists

This week Year 4 have been creating paintings in the style of Vincent Van Gogh. They have studied his use of line to show movement and to add shades and tones to their work. They have created landscapes of stormy seas and portraits of the artist himself. Well done Year 4.

PE Day Changes

During Spring term, our PE days will alter slightly.

Outdoor: Tuesdays

Indoor (swimming): Wednesdays

Parent DEAR Time Sessions

During the autumn term we held DEAR time sessions (Drop Everything And Read) for you to come into school and read with your children. Due to the success of these and how much the children enjoyed it, we will be holding DEAR time open door sessions again in the spring term for you to come into school and spend some relaxed time with your child at the end of the school day and either listen to them read, read to them or even read together.

Each session will take place between 2:55pm and 3:15pm.

Please see the dates below for when your child’s year group will be holding their DEAR time open door session.

EYFS – Wednesday 18th January

Year 1 – Tuesday 24th January

Year 2 – Wednesday 1st March

Year 3 – Wednesday 1st February

Year 4 – Tuesday 14th February

Year 5 – Tuesday 7th March

Year 6 – Wednesday 22nd March