Summer Fayre – Change of date

We have recently been informed that Charlton will be holding the Charltonbury Festival on 7th July, which was the same date as our planned Summer Fayre.  As some of our children will have opportunity to perform at Charltonbury, we have changed the date of our Summer Fayre to Friday 30th June, 3.30pm – 5pm.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

NSPCC Parent and Carer safety guides

As part of our links with the NSPCC, they have provided us with the following resource to support parents and carers to keep their children safe.  The resources cover a range of safeguarding areas including online safety and the PANTS campaign.

NSPCC resources – (parent.carer) – spring 2023

Parent Questionnaire

The parent questionnaire is now open for submissions.

The average time to complete the previous survey was just under 5 mins.

Thank you 😊

Coronation Day in Year 4

Year 4 are having a fantastic time on our special day to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.  We have written diaries as though we were the King and created collages of the Union Flag. We are really looking forward to making badges this afternoon.


Sacred Places Visits

Over the last fortnight, Year 4 have had two fascinating visits to sacred places in Wellington. Firstly, we visited Christ Church where we were able to see the beautiful stained glass windows, font and altar as well as listen to the organ being played. Then, we were welcomed to the Mosque where We learnt all about the way Muslim’s pray and the learnt about the similarities between the two religions.

Thank you to everyone who made us feel so welcome.