Year 3 Summer Term Homework Project

Please find this term’s homework project below:

Summer – Roman Project

We look forward to seeing all of the fantastic work created by Year 3!

Kind regards,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

PE Kit – Monday 10th May 2021

Can all Year 3 pupils please wear their PE kit to school on Monday 10th May as they will be receiving some tennis coaching in the afternoon. This change is for next week only.

Kind regards,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

Year 3 Weekly Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 19.04.21

Please find the online learning timetable for this week below:

Online Learning Timetable Week 1 Summer

If you have not yet made an appointment for a parent consultation but would like one, please let us know as we have some spaces remaining.

Kind regards,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

Easter Reading Challenge






During the Easter holidays, we are setting 2 photographic reading challenges for you. You can pick one or even both of them!

Challenge 1: Take a photo  of yourself or your family reading in an usual or interesting location.

Challenge 2: Take a photo of yourself reading in a setting and scene that appears in the plot of your book whilst dressed up as one of the characters from the book.

We will be choosing a winner for each challenge from each year group. Winners will receive a certificate and 5 HP.

Don’t forget to email your photographs in to the school email address. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Happy Reading!