Accelerated Reader ZPD

If your child is on Accelerated Reader, they should be bringing home their new AR book this weekend. This book will show the ZPD number that the children will be starting at based on the results of their STAR Reading Test which they have completed this week.


Weekly Spellings

Spellings will be set on a Friday and then will be tested on the following Friday. By Friday this week (11th September), your child will be allocated a group for their spellings and we will write their group name in their reading diary for you to see. All spellings will be available on the website for you to view but we will also send home a paper copy of the full list of the spellings for this half term too. If your child changes group, we will annotate their reading diary and update you with a new paper copy spelling list. You will not need to bring in your spellings each week but please practise these at home. If you require another paper copy, please let us know and if you have any questions, please just ask your class teacher!

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert

Reading Ideas

The children will be keeping their reading book in school all week and bringing their book home on a Friday in order to read to the adults at home. They will  be encouraged to read other books/materials at home throughout the week as well.

The Peters Books website still has a suggested list of reading books categorised by year groups and a set of downloadable activities for children to complete based on different books.

The National Oak Academy is currently updating its pages and will have various reading activities for the children to do.

Have a look at the links below.

Peters Books Reading Activities

The National Oak Academy

Year 2 Homework

Here is some information about our expectations in Year 2:

Reading – we will be sending you home with a reading book on a Friday and then we will collect them back from you on Monday. Please try and read as much as you can at home, this doesn’t have to always be your school reading book. We will listen to you read in school throughout the week too! You earn 5 house point for every 3 reads at home!

Maths Homework – you will be set MyMaths homework every Friday. We will set the this online, unless you tell your class teacher you need a paper copy. Please complete this by the following Friday. Your log in details are  in the back of your reading diary.

TT Rockstars – every week, Mr Taylor will be handing out certificates to the children who earn the most coins in that week for practising their times tables. It would be great for you to have a go! Your log in details are in the back of your reading diary.

Purple Mash – you will have access to lots of fun games for all areas of the curriculum on the Purple Mash website. It is lots of fun and we may use it from time to time in school. Your log in details are in the back of your reading diary.

If you have any questions about homework please ask your teacher.

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Parrish


Year 2 Spellings

During our first few weeks at school, we will be putting you into different groups for phonics and spellings. You will have a spelling test every Friday and your new spellings will be available on the website. They are split into groups, so please check the inside cover of your Reading Diary to see which group you are in. If you need a paper copy, please let your class teacher know.

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Parrish

Welcome Back to Year 2


We are so very excited to see you and hear all about your summer holidays! We just wanted to run through a few things that you may need to know for returning to school on Thursday.

As you come to school, you will wait on the main playground outside Base 3 or 4 until your teacher lets you inside. You will be shown your seat, put your coat on the back of your chair, lunchbox underneath your chair, water bottle on the table and go to wash your hands in the shared area. Our teaching assistants, Miss O and Miss Pearson, will help you with this. Once you have washed your hands, you will start some mindful colouring at your table whilst you wait for your friends to arrive. We will spend this week getting to know each other, catching up with friends and settling back in to school. We won’t be using the lockers so you only need to bring your water bottle, lunch box (if you are wanting a packed lunch from home) and your coat.

P.E – you will wear your P.E kit to school on the days we do P.E. We will try to get outside as much a possible so always dress for outdoor P.E. Year 2 P.E days are Monday and Tuesday.

For your homework and spelling information, please see the relevant Year 2 sections on the website.

We cannot wait to see you in the morning!

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Parrish

Welcome back

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday!

Reception Induction  9.30am – 11.30am  (Thursday or Friday)

KS1 8.30am – 3pm

KS2 8.45am – 3.15pm

Please see the attached information and guidelines to support a safe start to the new school year. September Guidelines

The full Risk Assessment has been updated for our full re-opening and is available on the website.