KS1 Christmas Performance

KS1 are really excited to be performing Baarmy Bethlehem this week. We cannot wait to show our grown ups!

Tuesday – filming our performance and we will send the link for filming once it is uploaded

Wednesday – performing to the whole school

Thursday – 10am and 2pm performance to parents


DEAR Time with Base 3

Last week Base 3 enjoyed reading with their grown ups during DEAR Time. It was so special for the children to share their love of books with people from home.

Snow Queen

Today, Base 4 really enjoyed watching the Hobgoblin Theatre Company production of Snow Queen. It was hilarious and a lovely treat for us all.

Base 4 DEAR Time

Yesterday, Base 4 invited their parents into school to read with them. We really enjoyed our DEAR session and look forward to having another one soon.

West Midlands Safari Park

What a fantastic day Base 3 have had at West Midlands Safari Park! We saw a range of animals and talked about which one were carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The children behaved beautifully and were well mannered to the public. What super stars ⭐️

Year 2 Trip to West Midlands Safari Park – Base 4

Base 4 had a brilliant day at West Midlands Safari Park. They really enjoyed seeing all of the animals and the Christmas decorations. Their behaviour was excellent and they did a fantastic job of representing our school. I am sure they will be very excited to tell you about their adventures tonight.

Santa Dash Friday 9th December

Friday 9th December the whole school will be taking part in a Christmas themed assault course. All children will need to make sure they are in PE kits and have suitable footwear on so they can take part. Santa Dash 22 Primary Timetable.

If children have Christmas hats then please get involved and bring them along.

Monday – West Midlands Safari Park Visit

This is a reminder about our trip on Monday 5th December to West Midlands Safari Park.

Children will need to bring a rucksack with their packed lunch, unless they have ordered one from school, and their water bottle. They must also wear sensible footwear and a warm, waterproof coat.

We will be back before the end of the school day.

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert and Miss Craig