E-Safety Questions for Parents / Guardians Survey

This survey has now been re-opened for another week, if you have not had the opportunity to complete this yet, now is your chance!

The average time to complete the survey was just under 5 mins.

Thank you 😊

How to ask for help – Base 3 08.02.2023

This afternoon, Base 3 have talked about how to ask for help. They have played a game where if they landed on the ‘help’ spot, they would have a scenario and they discussed what they should do. This is another activity we have done to celebrate Healthy Body, Healthy Mind week.

Base 3 – Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

To celebrate our Healthy Mind, Healthy Body week, the children in Base 3 have been completing an activity from Place2Be’s Children Mental Health resources. This has got the children to reflect on what makes them who they are whilst listening to our favourite music so we could have a singalong. Then we discussed what makes us the same and what makes us different and have celebrated everyone’s differences and showed how we are connected to each other.

You have been really reflective, mature and considerate Base 3, well done!

In addition to these wonderful activities, we have had a Bonnie visit too!  The children were so calm so Bonnie was able to be off lead.

What an amazing day we have had!

Year 2 Safer Internet Day 7.2.23

Today we watched a video about online games and have talked about ways in which we stay safe on the internet. The children discussed these and came up with fantastic ideas and they knew that if were unsure or something weird came onto the internet, they should ask for help.

NASA calling… 6.2.23

Year 2 have received an exciting letter this morning from NASA, asking for their help so the children have been busy testing materials to see which is the most waterproof. They have been making sure they have been keeping their test fair.

Super team ant skills!


E-Safety Questions for Parents / Guardians Survey

Snow! 18/01/2023

On Wednesday, Year 2 enjoyed playing in the snow at break time. Their behaviour was fantastic and everyone had great fun, playing safely and working together to build snowmen. It was lovely to see such amazing teamwork, well done Year 2!