Bonnie Buddies

Some of the children from Year 1 were picked to go and read to Bonnie yesterday afternoon, they all said that Bonnie was a very good listener!

Doodle a Day

This week we have enjoyed taking part in a Doodle a Day. We have listened to pieces of music from a range of different cultures, and the children have drawn doodles of what it makes them think of or how it makes them feel.

Year 1 Art

As part of Diversity week, Year 1 have been learning about the American artist Alma Woodsey Thomas. They then used what they have been learning this term about colour mixing to create their own art work inspired by Alma’s style of painting.

Wear Red Day

Show Racism the Red Card’s annual Wear Red Day will be taking place on 21st October 2022.

2021 was a monumental year for us. As well as it being our 25th Anniversary as the UK’s leading anti-racism educational charity, an incredible 250,000 individuals registered to celebrate with us on Wear Red Day. To us it was a sign that we have never been more in demand, more needed or more relevant.

As a charity, we exist through necessity and as a supporter you drive us on to be the best that we can be. As a supporter you are showing your true brave colours. As part of the team you make us stronger.

Every heart and every mind that we change changes at least one life but has the capacity to change hundreds, if not thousands of others. Be a proud anti-racist. Be the difference. Join us.

Wear Red.

Change Hearts. Change Minds. Change Lives.

Diversity Week – Art

This week in our Art lesson we have been learning about Alma Woodsey Thomas.

Alma was born in Columbus, Georgia, the oldest of four girls. In 1907, her family moved to Washington, D.C., seeking relief from the racial violence in the South. Though segregated, the nation’s capital still offered more opportunities for African Americans than most cities in those years. Alma became an important role model for women, African Americans, and older artists. She was the first African American woman to have a solo exhibition at New York’s Whitney Museum of American Art, and she exhibited her paintings at the White House three times.

We focused on her painting ‘Circles’, we split in to different groups, and each group painted a different coloured corner. We will be picking 4 corners to put together and display in the hall, once the art work has been displayed we will upload a photo for you all to see.

Maths homework 14.10.22

This week’s homework is on MyMaths online. Use what you have learnt about ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd…) to help you answer the questions.

PE in the Sunshine

Year 1 really enjoyed their outside PE session today! We played a game of ‘Stuck in the Mud’, but with a twist, each time we went in to one of the ‘Safe Zone’ hoops, we had to show a skill that we have been learning in PE, such as throwing and catching a ball, or balancing on one leg. We had lots of fun!

Reminder – NO PE Tomorrow

There will be NO PE tomorrow in Year 1, as the school photographs are being taken in the hall. Please send your child in to school in their school uniform.

Many thanks,

Mrs Jenkins, Mrs Gould and Mrs Edwards