Coronation celebrations

Yesterday, Year 1 enjoyed learning about the coronation of King Charles III. They had fun doing lots of activities linked to the coronation including writing acrostic poems, making flags, singing the national anthem and making badges.

WB 02.05.23 – Year 1 Nature Detectives

Year 1 were Nature Detectives this week, we went on a walk around the school grounds to look at all of the different flowering plants. As we walked around the school grounds we took photos on the iPad to look at when we returned to class. We then grouped the flowers according to the colour of their petals, and created a tally chart to show our findings.


Planting seed in science.

Year 1 have been looking at seeds and predicting what we think they will grow into.

We have planted the seeds and are looking forward to seeing what actually grows.

Church model.

After our visit to church last term year one have enjoyed making models showing features they remembered.