More Amazing Art!

Once again, the young artists of Apley Wood have produced some amazing pieces of art and as expected I’ve run out of space on my board to display them!

Wednesday’s budding Turner’s created a space scene.  As they had done such amazing work for the rest of the term,  our last session was all about decorating a frame for their masterpieces. They were super creative in these pieces!

Thursday’s artists followed the tutorial to create a phoenix’s eye. They used their creative flair when it came to their phoenix’s pupil and came up with their own colour scheme.

This term we are attempting to create pictures of Hogwarts in the moonlight. I look forward to sharing these pieces with you at the end of this final term.

Mrs Evans.

Headteacher’s Message

I hope you all had a good half term.  We have had a great first week back.  In assembly on Monday, we talked about team work and co-operation and I have see so many great examples of this across the school this week.   I’ve also seen some fantastic maths work from our Year 5 children and Base 8 were amazing with Bonnie when she joined their English lesson yesterday.   Good luck to our Year 5 Formula one challenge team who are presenting their work and fundraising at Cosford Air Show on Sunday. If you are going to the air show, please look for their stand and say hello.  A huge thank you to Mr Carter and Mrs Slater for taking them.

I have some more happy baby news to share, and send congratulations to Mrs Richards and her husband on the safe arrival of their daughter last week. We are looking forward to meeting her soon.

Congratulations to everyone who received a Headteacher’s award this week.  I am very proud of you all:

Abigail M, Monty M, Alayah M, Tobiah F, Jaiden M, Esmae T, Zyra-Rose D, Zain R, Reuben M, Amrita T, Kayden H, Luciana P-B, Farrah G, Aroosh C, Noah E, Amelia A, Charlie T, Isaac D-S, Kaden J, Jack T, Isabella R, Georgia P, Oscar N, Zara I, Amelia B, Olivia I-C, Finley B-D, Isabelle C

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Players Player Award

Congratulations to Riley who for the second year running has been awarded the Players Player and came runner up for the Supporters Player of the year.

This weekend he travels with his kickboxing team to the ICO British Championships where if he is successful could go on to represent team GB at the world championships in October. Wishing you all the very best Riley!

Extended Day Awards 16.06.2023

Breakfast Club Stars of the week: Riley W, Layla S, Charlie S

Hub Stars of the week: Oskar H, Andrea D, Shay O

Attendance Figures 26.05.2023

Overall School attendance is 95%

Key Stage 1

Base 6 has the best attendance 99.66%

Key Stage 2

Base 13 has the best attendance 98.65%

Well done to Base 6 and 13 they have earned extra golden minutes this week

Top Table Award – Summer 1 2023

Congratulations to the below children who were awarded a top table seat at lunchtime today to commemorate their fantastic attitude and behaviour at lunchtime throughout spring term.

Betsy S-E, Habibah K, Shauni S, Bobby B, Hukam M, Olivia W, Carter W, Roman F,

Blake R, William C-B, Jasmeet S, Manelle A, Sunainah T, Ethan G,

Amelia A, Ben C, Peter C, Charlie H

Headteacher’s message

We have had a super week to end the half term.  Well done to all of the children who have represented school in sporting events this week: swimming, cricket and football. They’ve demonstrated great skill and team work.

The happy lunchtime zones have been very well attended this week. KS1 have had opportunity to take part in activities including bubbles, cricket, hula hoop challenges and relays and with KS2 children bubbles, basket ball shoot outs and tennis have been very popular activities.

Well done to everyone who received who has received a Headteacher’s Award this week, I am very proud of them all:

Neve S, Kenai Q, Hollie M, Kian P, Isla D-C, Lewis H, Archer B, Rhema-Joelle S, Joe D,

Olivia W, Katie O, Elijah P, Alice L, Amelia S, Gracie T-E, Riley W, Cara M-W,

Willow C, Ayden P, Emaan W, Cassie H, Kallie Y, Alex C-C, Sabrina S

Thank you for your continued support over this half term.  I hope you all have a good break and some of this sunny weather stays with us!

Mrs E Smith

Numbots & Times Tables Rock Stars – 26.05.2023

top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Zyra D, Evie P, Isla D-C

Year 2: Cara M-W, Willow C, Megan R

Year 3: Arnold A, Amelia S, Edward B

Year 4: Qais S, Jenna M-W, Alec-Maximus D

Year 5: Megan YTL, Alyssa H, Sabrina S

Year 6: Ruby H, Inayah S

Friends of Apley Wood – Summer Fayre Planning

Summer Fayre planning afternoon, 2.30pm on 5th June.

Please come and join us for a coffee/tea and help us plan our Summer Fayre which will be held on 30th June.

We look forward to seeing you!

Attendance Figures 19.05.2023

Overall School attendance is 95%

Key Stage 1

Base 1 has the best attendance 100%

Key Stage 2

Base 13 has the best attendance 98%

Well done to Base 1 and 13 they have earned extra golden minutes this week