Happy Eid!

Thank you to Mrs Khanom who shared some decorations with us on Thursday lunchtime in celebration of Eid.


A reminder to those that have access to the school carpark to keep speed to a minimum and park within the lined bays.

We have a lot of pedestrians walking in front of the main carpark gates at peak times so please be mindful of this when exiting the carpark.

Hadley & Leegomery Parish Council – Summer Fete 25.06.2023

Numbots & Times Tables Rock Stars 23.06.2023

top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Zyra D, Harley C, Harry C

Year 2: Lilly T, Cara M-W, Theo C

Year 3: Annabell G, Gabby U, Arnold A

Year 4: Qais S, Alec-Maximus D, Mehreen W

Year 5: Megan YTL, Sabrina S

Year 6: Elna T, Inayah S

Attendance Figures 23.06.2023

Overall School attendance is 95.1%

Key Stage 1

Base 4 has the best attendance 98.67%

Key Stage 2

Base 10 has the best attendance 99.33%

Well done to Base 4 and 10 they have earned extra golden minutes this week

Extended Day Awards 23.06.2023

Breakfast Club Stars of the week: Jacob K, Reuben D, Isla D-C, Aabidullah Y

Hub Stars of the week: Georgia W, Jacob M, Edward B, Oscar W

Lunchtime Supervisors Award 23.06.2023

Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Supervisor Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Joshua S, Noah E, Poppy M, Gracie T-E, Taylor T, Edward B, Monty M, Pippa S, Evie K, Albie-George T, Sophia S, Jesse S, Inayah S, Harry C, Andrea D, Solana S, Oliver H

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!

Headteacher’s Message

A huge well done to our Reception and Key Stage 1 children this week who were absolutely amazing during their Sports day events. Thank you to the Year 6 House captains who supported with the activities,  staff team for their planning and preparation and to all of our families who were able to join us.  Fingers crossed the weather is kinder to us on 17th July for our KS2 Sports day events.

Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher’s Award this week:

Ruben D, Georgia W, Peyton E, Harry D, Penelope H, Jonah M, Rory P, Katie O, Emily B, Bobby B, Jenna M-W, Rayan F, Jesse S, Ellie B, Ruby H, Sumeet P, Luke W, Oscar W, Coby-Jack T, Zoey H, Evie-Rose M, Amber N, Ethan G, Sydney G, Ollie D, Alexandra S

Have a good weekend.

Mrs E Smith


Attendance Figures 16.06.2023

Overall School attendance is 96%

Key Stage 1

Base 5 has the best attendance 99.44%

Key Stage 2

Base 14 has the best attendance 92.22%

Well done to Base 5 and 14 they have earned extra golden minutes this week