
Tuesday 24th March, 2020

Science Ideas for Home Learning

If you are wanting to do some Science and STEM learning at home, follow the links to these amazing websites!


You will need to create a login and it may take a little while for you to familiarise yourselves with the site, but this is a great resource! Each activity has teaching notes, explaining how to use the activity…


Marvin and Milo

This website is a series of cartoon strip style instructions for easy to do science activities from the institute of physics. Each activity also has a simple scientific explanation.

Great activities to try are: reappearing coin, lava lamp, musical coat hanger (you can use any metal cutlery), convection snake, bouncing balls, ‘alkaseltzer’ rocket and balloon rocket.



Tuesday 24th March, 2020

Competition winners!

Here are our competition winners for the creations of the KS2 ‘Once upon a time in Apley Wood’ performance programmes. Well done to Bethan Harris (Year 5, Base 11) and Finlay Cartwright (Year 3, Base 10)! You will both be awarded with a prize when everyone is back in school.

Sunday 22nd March, 2020

Calm Brain Access during school closure

Our parents have been given free access to CalmBrain, so that you can have unlimited access to the Jukebox for the duration of the school closure.

To get set up email calmbrainsupport@calmbrainapproach.com giving the following information:

  • Parent first and last name (not the name of the child)
  • The parent’s email address
  • The name of the school their child attends

Please do sign up for this, it will be helpful during these very challenging times.

Saturday 21st March, 2020

Children Attending School Monday 23rd – Wednesday 25th March

If you were directly contacted on Friday afternoon by our school office then you will know that your child has a place from Monday – Wednesday next week.

I understand that our email system failed to get the promised application to you and have therefore loaded it below for you to download and complete. There is also a letter which should have reached you in the same email giving details of the type of provision that will be in place as well as the eligibility criteria.

Key worker covering letter

Eligibility criteria Key Workers

Key workers childcare application form

If you are unable to download the application form then please let us know when you drop your child off on Monday and we will provide you with a paper copy.

Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout this unprecedented time.



Friday 20th March, 2020

School Closure – 20th March

As you are already aware, we have now been instructed to close the school to almost all children after this Friday, until further notice.

As advised, we are doing all we can to stay open as day care for  some vulnerable children and the children of key workers, where parents are working in the key areas confirmed by the Government and they cannot find alternative care.  However, the Government advice is : If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.

All other children will need to stay at home, so we ask that you do not send your child into school from Monday onwards unless you have received a phonecall and a letter from us today. If you still feel you may be eligible then we have an application process in place from Monday next week.  Please contact the office next week to request details.

If you need to contact us, please use the A2190@taw.org.uk email address or call the school office between 9am – 3.15pm.

These are unprecedented and challenging times for everyone and I would like to thank you for your support, patience and co-operation with school. I really do hope that we will be able to open the school again at some point during the Summer term and I will update you via the school web page when I have further information. Please continue to follow the Government advice, take care and and look after yourselves.

With very best wishes, Mrs Smith and the Apley staff team.

Thursday 19th March, 2020

School Closures Update – 19th March (11.30am)

As stated in Mrs Smith’s statement last night following the PM’s press release, we are asking all parents to contact the school if you are a ‘key worker’ and will require provision for your child at school.

According to the government advice, schools are expected to stay open for those pupils of key workers. As part of this, they are stating that if you are a key worker but your spouse isn’t, then your spouse would be expected to provide childcare for your child. If both parents/carers are key workers then the school may be open for your child.

As well as key workers, we will also be open to any vulnerable child who has an EHC Plan or support from a social worker. If you feel your child is in this category and will be attending school as normal, please contact the school.

We will be updating parents/carers and staff as soon as further information is provided, so please keep an eye on our website for the latest updates.

To ensure we can provide sufficient staffing for these pupils stated above, we will require parents to contact us by the end of the school day today (Thursday 19th March) via email A2190@taw.org.uk or telephone 01952 386180.

Thank you for your support during this unprecedented time.


Wednesday 18th March, 2020

School Closure – 18th March 2020 Update

Dear Parents

Following the announcement this evening to close schools from the end of the day on Friday for all pupils except those who are vulnerable (EHC Plans etc) or of key workers, I would like to request your patience whilst we get confirmation of what this means for us, please do not contact the office to ask for further information about the closure.  I will keep you updated with any further information I receive as soon as possible.

The children will all have a pack of homework to bring home tomorrow, including maths, reading and writing activities, along with a project relevant to their current year group

and there are already spellings and appropriate website links for additional learning on the class pages of the school website.

If your child is already off school and you would like to collect a pack or arrange for a pack to be sent home with a friend, please contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support in these unprecedented and challenging circumstances.

Kind regards

Mrs Ellen Smith
