
Thursday 4th May, 2023

Summer 1 – Week 3- EYFS Weekly Update

Base 1 balanced beanbags on different body parts and practised their sending and receiving skills. 


Forest School

The children made their own crowns to celebrate the King’s Coronation this Saturday. They added natural items found outside to card. We then held our own procession and the children enjoyed demonstrating their understanding of what takes place and role playing as the King!



Ways in which you can support your child are to:
Practise reading different individual sounds your child finds difficult –  sounds your child needs to learn have been given to you at parents evening.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading aloud, encourage them to read in their head ‘Fred in their head’.

Please ensure your child’s reading book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so your child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.

Books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words fluently.


This week, we are learning to count on (numbers 1-20).

Challenge to complete at home:

Play a board game and count on the correct number of steps after rolling the dice.

You may wish to print this or if you do not have a printer or board games please come and speak to us so we can print one out for you.



This half term, our topic is Animal Magic.

This week we have learnt lots factual information about the life of King Charles III and the Coronation. The children have had lots of opportunity to develop a range of skills during their independent learning time linked to this week’s theme.



Thank you to all the parents that were able to attend our Coronation parent workshop.


Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

Thursday 30th March, 2023

Yr3/4 Girls did it again.

What a week for our Yr3/4 Girls team, yesterday the girls played their semi final match vs lawley primary school and came out winners, it was such a great game for both teams and a very close game.

The girls now will play Grange park in the final at AFC Telford stadium( Bucks Head) on Thursday 4th May 3.45pm kick off, we would love to see lots of support for our girls so please feel free to bring family to cheer them on.


Monday 27th March, 2023

Forest School updates!

Woodworking shelter!

Forest school had a very exciting development over the weekend when a team of 4 came in and build the woodworking shelter. This shelter will be multipurpose as it will have benches under there for the children to work in all weathers including woodworking, weaving and much more!



A massive thank you to Mr Yardley, Miss Benton, Andy and Phil for dedicating a days work during the weekend, it will greatly benefit the children at Apley Wood Primary.

Thursday 23rd March, 2023

Easter Holiday Activities for £1

The Local Authority have a range of activities for the Easter holidays. The activities are great value for money with Kids4£1 activities like tobogganing, swimming and bike hire available throughout the week.

Booking is available 7 days in advance. Click the link below to see the brochure.


Friday 17th March, 2023

Place2Be Parenting advice from child mental health experts

Place2be have published practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and behaviour on their website.  the advice covers a wide range of needs including, anxiety, meltdowns and preparing children for secondary school.

Click the link below for more information.


Thursday 16th March, 2023

Assembly visitor

On Monday this week, Suleman Bhamji, from the Telford Central Mosque in Wellington, visited us in assembly.  He talked about the 5 pillars of Islam explaining them briefly and then answered questions posed by the children. They asked some really thoughtful questions and it was a very informative assembly.

Friday 10th March, 2023

Year 6 Snow Day

Good morning everyone – happy Snow Day!

Here’s some ideas of things you could do today whilst enjoying the snow. Please take some photos, as we would love to see what you get up to!


3D shape (which was meant to be today’s focus)

Everyone is always keen to dive into the snow to make snow spheres (aka snowballs) but what other 3D objects are you able to make? A cube? Cuboid? Squared based pyramid? Tetrahedron?

Aim big – could you build a snow igloo using snow cuboids (bricks)? How many bricks are needed to make each row?


Poetry (our genre for reading next week)

Write a poem based on the ‘Snow Day’. Consider the emotions an unexpected snow day could cause and the beautiful views which it creates. What type of poem will you write? A haiku? Acrostic? Cinquain? A Shape poem, like the ‘Elevate’ one we studied Wednesday?

Other ideas:

There are so many other exciting activities which you could do. How about you have a go at completing this Snow Day Bingo:

Snow Day Bingo

Have a great day, stay stafe and enjoy the snow!

Miss Whitehouse and Mrs Rowe 🙂

Friday 10th March, 2023

Year 2 – Snow Day

Hi everyone,

We hope you have a wonderful day in the snow today. If you would like to keep busy doing some of these activities, we would love to see them next week when we are back at school.

Stay safe everyone!

Miss Gilbert and Miss Craig


Draw a Snow Selfie

Snow Acrostic Poem

Snow Day Activities

Snow Day Challenges

Snow Mindfulness Colouring

Spot the Difference

What I can see outside my window

WInter Acrostic Poem

Winter and Snow Checklist

WInter Colouring