
Monday 4th September, 2023

Outstandingly Happy School!

We are delighted to have been awarded Outstandingly Happy School status by The Art of Brilliance team.  This is a result of the hard work of children and staff in developing a positive culture, that supports well being and positivity around school and we are the first school in Telford to have achieved this.  The team delivered CPD for staff in January 2022, then workshops with Year 3, 4 and 5 last September and their mental wealth curriculum was embedded into our whole school curriculum through our Character Education lessons, wider school opportunities and our assembly offer over the academic year.

We are delighted to have been recognised for the positive culture in our school community and look forward to continuing this, over the next academic year.

The full report will be shared with parents this week.


Sunday 3rd September, 2023

Welcome back

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 5th September.  Gates open at 8.35am and the school day starts at 8.45am.

Monday 17th July, 2023

Online Safety booklet – parent controls advice

Please see the booklet below which contains advice about how to set parental controls on a wide range of devices and APPs.  the advice included covers both microsoft and Apple devices, hardware include Amazon Alexa, a range of controls for broadband providers and also, varied social media and streaming sources including you tube and netflix.


Friday 14th July, 2023

Kids4£1 Summer 2023

Kids4£1 banner

Our summer Kids for a £1 programme is back – bigger and better than ever. This is your how to guide on keeping the kids busy and active during the six weeks holidays.

As well as all of the usual favourite activities like fun and floats, golf, badminton, archery and bike hire, you will also find different offers and discounts for our main leisure attractions in and around Southwater.

Booking is available 7 days in advance (with the exception of swimming) but you can start planning now.

Check out the brochure

Thursday 13th July, 2023

Summer Safety 13/7/23

Summer Safety

The Safeguarding Squad have worked hard these past few weeks preparing a PowerPoint to share with KS1 & 2 all about how we can all keep safe over summer.


Messages ranged from staying safe in the sun and applying sun cream which is SPF 50 (Sun Protection Factor) to how to stay safe in the sea at the beach. They talked through the meanings of the different flags that often appear at the beach too. These have been displayed around school for a few weeks now so the children become familiar with the flags and their meanings.


A big thank you to the Safeguarding Squad for everything they have done this year to keep our school safe and our students informed. Have a lovely summer and remember to stay SAFE!

Tuesday 11th July, 2023

Base 4’s Design and Technology – 11.07.2023

This morning, Base 4 created their own balanced meals for a summer picnic. They learnt all about the quantities of food they should have from the 5 main food groups and also learnt about food hygiene. They were very sensible when using different kitchen utensils and their finished plates looked very tasty! Well done, Base 4!

Monday 10th July, 2023

Improving punctuality and safety – September 2023

In order to ensure a safe and efficient start to the school day, from September, we are making some slight changes to our morning procedures. The school gates will continue to open at 8.35am.

Children will be able to enter school at 8.45am.  Classroom doors will be closed at 8.50am.  After this time, children will need to enter school through the double playground doors off the main playground.

The gates to the entrances will be closed by 9am, please exit the school site swiftly to ensure the gates can be closed on time and our site is secure.  Anyone arriving after this time, will need to enter school through the main reception office.

The class teachers will close the school registers by 9am to ensure a prompt start to the first lesson of the day.

Thank you for your continued support.