
Friday 15th September, 2023

Week 3 – Homework

CPG – SPAG Homework – Due Friday 22nd September – Complete Page 36

My Maths – Due Friday 22nd September – This has been set but I have attached the link for you in case-  https://app.mymaths.co.uk/1723-homework/roman-numerals

Spelling – See Spelling page or below.

Autumn Homework Project –

Choose an activity off the grid below to complete based on Ancient Greece!

Thursday 14th September, 2023

Mentor Dog

Bonnie, our school mentor dog,  has enjoyed her first two weeks back in school after the summer holiday.  Bonnie has been coming into school for a year now and is a much loved member of our school community.  Research has shown that children working with a dog can promote healthy connections within the brain which can strengthen intellectual, physical, emotional and creative processes.      Bonnie visits the children in their classes, hears readers and loves story time!  The children enjoy taking her walks and spending some reward time with her.  Bonnie is looking forward to getting to know our new reception children better!

Wednesday 13th September, 2023

Safeguarding Squad

We are delighted to share our Safeguarding Squad for the school year.  These children from Year 5 and Year 6 will be working alongside Mr Yardley and Mrs Smith, supporting us with pupil voice activities to keep children safe and deliver very important messages through class workshops and assemblies.

Tuesday 12th September, 2023

Upcoming sports events

Wednesday 20th September YR3/4 Girls Match Vs Grange park

Wednesday 27th September YR5/6 Girls Match Vs Albrighton Primary School

Wednesday 11th October  YR3/4 Girls Match Vs Albrighton Primary School

Tuesday 17th October YR5/6 Athletics

Wednesday 18th October KS1 Athletics

Thursday 19th October KS2 Sportsability

Monday 11th September, 2023

Parking – Please respect our neighbours

I have already received a number of complaints about parking from our neighbours in the last week.  I do appreciate that parking is limited in the area but please do park respectfully and avoid blocking resident’s drives and pathways.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Smith

Tuesday 5th September, 2023

Parent contact details

Please ensure we have your correct contact details.  We are receiving a number of ‘undelivered mail’ messages when we send out letters by email.  This could be because your mailbox is full or because the email address we have is incorrect.  If you have not received emails from us this week, please contact the office to check that we have the correct email address.

Thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday 5th September, 2023

YR 3/4 Girls Football Trials

Hope everyone has had a good summer, The football season is back!!!! This Friday Mr Mountford is doing Football trials for Yr3/4 girls for the upcoming season this will be at lunchtime from 1pm till 1:30pm if they wish to attend they will need to bring shinpads and suitable shoes.

Monday 4th September, 2023

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

We hope you’ve all had a great summer and we are looking forward to seeing you.

Please find below some useful information which you will also find in the front of your child’s reading record.

Each week, spelling, SPAG and maths homework will be set.

Spelling homework will be sent home on Friday stuck in the reading record. Please can you ensure that your child copies out their spellings each night and practises for their spelling test the following Friday.

Maths homework is set via MyMaths every Friday and should be completed by the following Thursday.

SPAG homework will be set every Friday in their CPG SPAG books. This will be one or two pages, to be completed by the following Thursday.

Please try to read with your child as much as possible at home and question them on what they are reading – ideally everyday.

Our PE days are Tuesday (outdoors) and Wednesday (indoors) so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on those days.

Each pupil has their own Times Table Rock Stars login. It would be very beneficial to your child if they could play on this at least once a week.

We will update the website weekly with photos and information and you will always find the spellings, PE days and weekly timetables here so do stop by regularly.

Thank you,

Mrs Stinson and Miss Perks

Monday 4th September, 2023

PLATINUM School Games Mark Award

Exciting news!

We have been awarded the PLATINUM level for the School Games mark.  This is in recognition that we have achieved the Gold award consistently over the last 4 years at least, and demonstrate a full commitment to creating positive engagement with physical activity, across different parts of the school day and ensuring a range of engagement for all children in our school.

This is a fantastic achievement and a huge thanks to all of the staff , children and families for supporting this, but particularly Miss Whitehouse and Mr Mountford for planning our opportunities for physical engagement both within the school day and in extra curricular activities.