Marvellous Maths

I just love Dexter’s sweet shop. What a great selection of sweets. Yum yum. Well done for completing the maths challenge set by Mrs Yale this week.

Reception Phonics

We know from talking to your mums, dads and carers on the phone that lots of you are trying hard with your phonics. Here are a few games and activities which are free on phonics play. Just use the username march20 and password home.

Ms Wilson’s group click here

Ms Holbrook’s group click here

Mrs Yale’s/Mrs Parrish’s group click here

Miss Smith’s group click here

If you are in Ms Wilson’s group and are feeling extra brave and up for a trickier challenge have a go at these. Mums and dads…the teaching ideas downloads are useful for ideas to extend the activities. Compound word splat is a good game to start with.

Up for a challenge – click here.


Literacy Weekly Challenge

Hello Reception. This is the final week in our animal theme. For literacy we would like you to watch Rumble in the Jungle (or share the book if you own it).

Then choose from the following:

Dress up as an animal from the story and try and move / sound like it. We would love to see some photos and videos.

Write some clues without giving away the animals name and read it to a grown-up. Can they guess the animal you were thinking of? E.g. It has stripes. It runs fast. The first letter in its name is z.

Make a flap book where you draw the animal and hide it under a paper flap. You could add your clues to each page.

Imagine you could be an animal. What would you be? Can you write a story about turning into an animal and the adventures you would have?

Creative Topic Activity

Week 5

Focus: Design an animal.

Activity: Can you design your own animal?

Key Questions:

  • What qualities would your dream animal own?
  • Can you think of adjectives (describing words) when designing your own exciting creature?
  • Encourage your child to draw a picture or make the animal out of recyclable materials e.g. used cereal boxes, egg boxes etc.




Dexter’s Home Learning

Well done to Dexter for having a go at our literacy challenge this week. What a great list of animals you have written. You have also been learning all about odd and even numbers.

Have you tried sharing an odd or even number of sweets with someone in your family? Would you rather have an odd number, like 5, or an even number, like 6?


Rory’s Super Singing – Apley’s got talent!



Click the link to watch Rory singing. What a fabulous rendition of Old McDonald.

A message from the children in school

After seeing our staff video message, some of the children in school wanted to write messages to their teachers, classes and family members. We really enjoyed putting this video together. There were a lot of laughs and retakes involved! Enjoy!

VE Day music and drama

On VE Day, the children learnt Makaton for the song “We’ll meet again”, quoted Winston Churchill and released planes to symbolise the end of the war. We were extremely impressed with how much the children cared about making this day special. Well done!

Creative Topic Activity

Week 4

Focus: Old McDonald had a Farm.

Activity: Can you create your own homemade musical instruments?

Key Questions:

  • Can you select the tools and resources needed to create your own instrument?
  • Can you decorate you instruments, using colours for a purpose?
  • Can you experiment with making different sounds?



Weekly Challenge – Literacy

This week our learning is based around the song Old McDonald Had a Farm. First of all have a go at singing it. Then you could have a go at one of the following literacy linked ideas:

  • write a list of all the animals you might see on a farm
  • practise singing it, then dress up to perform it to your family – you could create tickets to sell and a menu of refreshments such as popcorn and drinks
  • make a booklet all about farm animals by describing: their colour, special features, noise it makes, where they live, feet, number of legs. E.g. A duck can be white. It has a beak. It says quack. It has two legs. It lives on a pond. It has webbed feet.
  • Video yourself singing and dancing to the song and send us the video to post online.

Click below for the song