Reception News

We have been working hard on using our ‘Fred Fingers’ in phonics. Can the children show you the correct hand and fingers we use when writing CVC words? In Maths the children were introduced to the bar model as a visual to help record our work when solving Maths problems. The children have had great fun exploring the Ozobot’s. They are a miniature robot which is very clever at following lines and changing colours. The children used our work on body parts and watched carefully as the Ozobot’s moved around the template of each body part.




Black History Month Competition

October is Black History Month. To celebrate this, Telford and Wrekin Council are inviting us to take part in the attached art competition. If you would like to enter, complete your art work at home and email a photo of it to the address on the poster. Good luck.

BHM Art Competition in Schools 2020_Primary (1)

Reception News

We have been learning all about our 5 senses. We have had great fun exploring the herbs and flowers. We used our sense of smell to describe the different herbs and made our own flower soup! Outside we played I eye spy and went on a sight and sound hunt recording the different objects and sounds we could hear. In Maths this week we have concentrated on the number three. We looked at different triangles and made repeating patterns with them. We have been working on subitising visual representations up to 5 using the dice.


Reception Homework

We have really enjoyed sharing and talking about the children’s set homework. Work will not be formally marked but instead we give children verbal feedback and reward them with stickers and house points. If they have made something / shown us some work, we will take a photograph and stick it in their Learning Journey and send it back home. Please don’t use the Home School Communication books to record homework in as we want to keep everything in the children’s Learning Journey books in school. Keep up the great work and thank you for your support!


Reading is Magic Festival has begun!





‘Reading is Magic Festival’, a unique national and international platform to celebrate and promote the value of reading and books has begun!

Follow the link below to take a look at some of the fantastic, free, online events that you and your children can take part in.

Programme of Events

Reception News

What a great week Reception have had so far! We have been busy with our phonics. Fred has been teaching us lots of important signals to help us during our lessons. We have also been learning the writing rhymes to help us when writing our letters. In Maths we will be focussing on a new number each week which will help the children to deepen their understanding of number. This week it has been number 1. We have had celebrations for Fred’s first birthday and lots of fun 1-minute challenges. The children are really enjoying sharing their family photographs as part of our enhancements. It has been lovely to find out about different family members and family traditions. The children demonstrated their super listening and attention skills for their first Forest School and PE lessons. We were using the hula hoops as our safety bubbles in PE to demonstrate the importance of space when moving around the outdoors to avoid bumping into each other. 





We are really looking forward to meeting all of our new Reception children this week! We hope you are excited to see your new class and teachers. A member of the school team will meet you at the gate at 9.30am and explain where you need to go. You will then be collected at 11.30am from the classroom doors. On Thursday and Friday this week you only need to bring a water bottle and a coat. Your first PE or Forest School session will be on Wednesday 16th September and you will come into school wearing either your PE or Forest School clothes. More information on this will follow in your home-school communication book. See you soon 😊