Mental health Awareness Week

Today is the start of Mental Health Awareness Week. This year’s theme is ‘Express Yourself’. At Apley, we believe very strongly in supporting children’s mental health.  Please use the link below from 9:00am today to access the assembly produced by Oak Academy.

Mental Health Awareness Week Assembly

Oak Academy – Virtual School Library

Oak National Academy are now working in partnership with the National Literacy Trust to provide a virtual school library.

Every week a popular children’s author or illustrator will provide you with free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads.

The Virtual School Library will ensure that children have access to the magical world of stories all year round, whether they are learning at school or at home.

Follow the link below to find out more.

Virtual School Library

Mental Health Awareness Week – 1st Feb

The week beginning Monday 1st February is Mental Health Awareness Week. This year’s theme is ‘Express Yourself’. At Apley, we believe very strongly in supporting children’s mental health.  Please use the link below next Monday (which will also be on next week’s remote learning timetable and assignments) to access the assembly produced by Oak Academy.

Mental Health Awareness Week Assembly

Reception Handwriting Information

We are trying hard to establish cursive handwriting in reception. As a school we believe that it is the best approach to begin with this style, rather than teaching it later on in KS1.

We have emailed Reception parents/carers some information about cursive writing to help you whilst your children are learning at home. We will also be adding a daily handwriting lesson to both the remote learning and key worker learning from Monday. Please look at the Reception resources page for further information and support.

We fully appreciate all children are on their own individual journey with handwriting so please get in touch with us if you are struggling and need some ideas to motive and enthuse.

Big Garden Birdwatch

Reception have had a busy morning making some bird feeders. We are looking forward to watching and recording how many birds we can spot enjoying our feeders over the next couple of weeks.

Weekly Spellings w.c. 18th January 2021

Hello Reception!

These are your spellings for this week. You can submit them onto the assignment on Teams whether you are learning remotely or as part of the key worker provision at school.

jam   jug   jog   jet   wag

Have a go at the following challenges for each word:

Challenge 1 – say the sounds in the word by using ‘Fred Talk’ (point to each one to read the word).

Challenge 2 – Fred the sounds in your head and read the word without saying each sound.

Challenge 3 – say the word without looking at it and pinch the sounds onto your fingers – if you get stuck ask a grownup to tell you how many sounds there are first. e.g. dog has three sounds so hold up three fingers.

Challenge 4 – write each word down after you have pinched the sounds onto your fingers and ask a grownup to help you tick the letters you got right and fix the ones you missed out or got wrong.


Remote Learning Timetable W.C. 18th January 2021

Hello everyone,

Please see below the remote learning timetable for children learning from home this week. Full details and resources for daily tasks will be uploaded onto TEAMS by 9am each day.

Please return photos or / and videos via TEAMS if possible as it helps us to keep track of all the work your are doing at home 🙂

As ever, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or need further support.

Many thanks

The Reception Team

Apley Wood Online Learning Grid week commencing 18th Jan


Reception Weekly Spelling Homework 11.1.21

Hello Reception!

These are your spellings for this week. You can submit them onto the assignment on Teams whether you are learning remotely or as part of the key worker provision at school.

rat    dog    run    nut    red

Have a go at the following challenges for each word:

Challenge 1 – say the sounds in the word by using ‘Fred Talk’ (point to each one to read the word).

Challenge 2 – Fred the sounds in your head and read the word without saying each sound.

Challenge 3 – say the word without looking at it and pinch the sounds onto your fingers – if you get stuck ask a grownup to tell you how many sounds there are first. e.g. dog has three sounds so hold up three fingers.

Challenge 4 – write each word down after you have pinched the sounds onto your fingers and ask a grownup to help you tick the letters you got right and fix the ones you missed out or got wrong.