Spare odd socks request

We are on the hunt for some spare odd socks you may have lying around in your washing basket that are missing their pair! We will be using them for a craft activity.

Fee fi fo fum!

We have been super busy looking after our magic beans making sure they get plenty of sunlight and water. We also enjoyed growing cress seeds. Some of us said they were going to make egg and cress sandwiches at home! This week we focussed on the story Jack and the beanstalk so we have been making our own castles from junk modelling and using the big wooden blocks outside. We had fun using the message zip wire. We sent messages to the Giant in the castle and sent him a list of what items Jack took.

We enjoyed being Scientists this week too. We found some magic beans (skittles) and had to make a prediction on what we thought would happen if the beans got wet. Some of us thought they would grow into a massive beanstalk like in the story, some of us said that they would change colour and some thought it would make a rainbow from the colours! Well done on sharing your super scientific ideas Reception.

Base 2 enjoyed making their tree spirits during their outdoor learning and Base 1 enjoyed applying their ball skills to different games and activities.



It has been a great week back in Reception. We all dressed up as superheroes on Monday and had so much fun! We enjoyed listening to the story Supertato and have been creating our own vegetable superheroes! The children were very eager to defeat Evil Pea so they created Wanted posters and displayed them around school so everyone could be vigilant! We hope he hasn’t escaped and made his way to your house…We have been exploring measure in Maths and have tried really hard to use the correct vocabulary when looking at length and height.




It has been a lovely week in Reception which started off with World Book Day. The children all looked amazing and have enjoyed all the book related learning and activities. The glass of chocolate milk with a magic straw went down a treat too! Thank you for supporting with such lovely costumes and creative ideas. The children are looking forward to Sarah Griffiths coming into school tomorrow to share her new story with them. Our book corner has now been taken over by lots of cuddly toys who have enjoyed listening to lots of story telling from the children.

Outside we had great fun using the boom whackers to explore different sounds. We tried hard to distinguish between the different coloured sticks and even created our own piece of music for a friend to follow and play.

After reading Jasper’s beanstalk we decided we wanted to plant our own bean. We talked about what the bean would need to grow well. We came up with lots of great ideas-sunlight, water, fresh air and soil. Some of us decided to plant our bean in compost and some of us used cotton wool.

Super Veg!

Next week we will be making our own Vegetable Heroes. If you can spare a vegetable from your kitchen and bring it in on Monday 14th March so we can get creative with them we would be very grateful.

Many Thanks


Pancake Fun

Reception had a great time doing pancake races on Wednesday. We showed great team ant skills to pass the pancake to each other without dropping it!

World Book Day Monday 7th March

As part of World Book Day (Monday 7th March) we will be focussing on reading stories in our Independent Learning Time. We would like you to bring in one of your teddies from home so you can read them a story. Please don’t bring in a teddy that is very special/one you like to cuddle at night as they will need to stay in school for the week. We will also be having a glass of chocolate milk too!

Let’s get growing!

We hope you all had a nice half term break. The children have come back and been eager to share their news about holidays/days out and celebrations with family members. Thank you so much for all your kind donations of seeds, composts and flowers  they are helping us provide some exciting learning opportunities. Please do keep sending in any old/dead flowers as the children are really enjoying being creative with them!

We have been finding out about the different parts of a plant by dissecting old plants. We enjoyed using magnifying glasses to look closely at the plant parts and tried hard to use different vocabulary to describe what we could see, feel and smell. We then used the internet and non-ficiton books to find out about what each part of the plant does. We enjoyed using a 2paint programme on the ipads to draw a flower and use the text function to write our name.

Outside we had fun with a reading challenge. We had to pick a ball and read the word on it and decide if it was a real or fake word. We then made ramps and rolled the ball down to either Obb or Bob the real and fake aliens. We had to look carefully for any ‘special friends’ (digraphs) in the words.

It was lovely to share photographs and work the children had completed over the half term holidays linked to our new topic. I think we have lots of ‘green fingers’ in Reception!


Wednesday 2/3/22

Apologies for not sending the Forest School /P.E. dates out. This week both classes can come in P.E. kit as we are going to do some pancake challenges! We will send the dates for the rest of the half term this week.