Reception Weekly News

Today, Base 2 went on a Bug Hunt! We saw tiny eggs on leaves, which we think are caterpillars! We are going to monitor them closely.

Over the next two weeks, we are learning about healthy eating. The children were able to guess most the vegetables in the sack! That means they must be eating lots of veggies at home.

This week, we are reading The Little Red Hen. This is a story about a resourceful and very busy hen and when she asks for help she is not given any. We talked about how we could be more helpful to those around us. The children have promised to be more helpful at home.

The EYFS team

School uniform

Next Wednesday 25th May we have the Animal Man coming into school to show some animals to the children. Children can come into school wearing uniform as there will be no PE or outdoor learning that morning.

Many Thanks

The Reception Team

Reception Weekly News

What a way to end the week! Not only did we come to school dressed in our pyjamas, teachers too, but we planted our sunflowers to get ready for our whole school STEAM week. We will be monitoring and caring for our sunflowers and look forward to planting them outside when they have established.

Have a wonderful weekend,


The EYFS team

Forest School

During the first two weeks of forest school, the children have enjoyed becoming nature detectives! We learnt about the first signs of Spring and then went on a Spring scavenger hunt around the school grounds. The children were great at spotting different elements and used the tick sheet to record their findings.

Can you continue to look for signs of Spring in your own gardens at home or on a nature walk?


Mad about Minibeasts

We have had a brilliant first week back. We started our week by completing a mind map about Minibeasts. The teachers were very impressed by how much information the children already knew. We then did a class vote on our favourite minibeast so we could write a fact file. Base 2 completed one on Butterflies and Base 1 did one on worms .Ask the children to surprise you with a ‘Did you know fact!’ In Maths we have been working on addition using first, then and now stories using practical objects to help us. We then had a go at writing number sentences using the correct mathematical symbols.  As part of our story of the week this week we enjoyed listening to Superworm. The children made their own Superworms and investigated their length using different measuring equipment.

We started our clay rock bugs. We worked on our skill development and how we could manipulate the clay using different techniques. We then used different resources to add features to our minibeasts. Next week we will be painting them!


Pet photographs

After the Easter holidays our next topic will be ‘Animal Magic.’ We would love to do a display of any photographs or drawings of any pets you have. If you don’t have any pets you can send in photographs of family member pets or perhaps draw a picture of a pet, you would like. Please send them into school for the first week back.